How many Steam games do you own in 2017?

186 games is like a Steam newbie, do you even use kb/m? :p

Honestly I think I’m gonna flagellate myself with a cat o nine tails if I even break 200 this year. I just never play games anymore :-(

I don’t have enough space in my computer for a drive that small. Every slot is full with at least 2 TB, and SSDs cost way too much per gig to go that large. Also, the affordable ones would hold like 4 games. Why even bother?

Or at least, that’s been the case so far. These M.2 drives seem like a way I could maybe slip in a stray TB, if I ever have money again once I buy this house.

Lose the hoarding habit and uninstall I dunno, 20-40 of your 400+ installed games? For this sacrifice, you will gain SO MUCH in performance. Night and day. You will say, “Why did I ever not do this? Those games I uninstalled are games I would never play (again) anyways!”

I have 1,279 games. I have probably played between 10-15% and completed maybe 1-2%.

Shocking really but I only have myself to blame.

We would be talking dropping 3 TB worth of stuff for a minor performance upgrade on a couple things at a time. I am not buying it. (And yes, it’s minor. My laptop has an SSD and I barely see a difference.)

139 I feel so inadequate.

Hell, I’ve had cases where an SSD decreased performance. See: AGEOD games. For some reason their battle calculation engine handles things in such a way that the write/ read activity causes them to take literally 5-10 minutes for a battle, when on my desktop it’s about 15-30 seconds.

I’m talking about using an SSD for your OS drive. Guaranteed performance improvement.

As someone undergoing a massive physical and digital decluttering exercise, this is making me twitch.

A quick right-click Properties of my Steam folder(s) turns out to be 5.5TB.

This is without other standalone game installs, Origin and UPlay installs and stuff.

255 games on Steam with 41 installed.

Someone finally acknowledged my paraphrased reference to The Wizard.

Are you sure you’re in the right bar…?

193 here. 3 unfinished.

I only buy games I am pretty sure I will like. And my PC has been pretty much outdated for the last year which means there are probably 10 or so games out there I would own if I could play them.

Also…I like games that take some time to play. I know some people think that a negative, but to me being able to invest 50+ hours in a game is a good thing.

The only way that could be a negative is when said games get in the way of a massive backlog. I’ve got 483 games on steam, many of which remain largely untouched because I keep on going back to the usual suspects time and time again. As for DLC, I don’t want to think about it because I tend to suck up whatever DLC Paradox produce.

I was surprised to note that I had 165 games on Steam. And then I read this thread. Now I feel like a cheap slacker.

It’s no replacement for the touch of a woman I tell you.

864, of which I’ve installed maybe 20% and played about 2/3s of those. I’d love to see some stats on activated keys vs. Steam purchases… is there any way to tease that data out of the Steam Client?

Not with that attitude.