$$$$ - How Will You Spend Your Money This November?

I really don’t need to see a repeat of the attached costs thread, but there is a valid point in there somewhere. He really should buy an HDTV (crappy or not) before getting a PS3. Given the extra costs associated with the PS3 (== early adopters must be OMG RICH) and Sony’s strong high-def message, I’d bet that things like the Dead Rising text issue will be even more common in the PS3 world.


Guitar Hero 2
Final Fantaxy XII
New camera lens

Possibly, pending positive word of mouth:
Wii and Zelda

Some 360 games. The super awesome crazy masterpiece batman 12 inch. Booze.

I grab a wii next summer or something, and a ps3 whenever it gets its 2nd version, if it has it’s price quartered.

Did somebody say consoles and math?!?

Nah, I’ll skip this round.

And K0NY, in mutual support, I’ll start threads about you having a threesome so you don’t have to anymore either!

Probably on the DS mostly. Gears of War most likely. I’ll probably wait on a couple of reviews first.

Probably gonna spend my Wii money on a new 20" widescreen monitor.

“How all the other passions fleet to air, As doubtful thoughts, and rash-embraced despair, And shuddering fear, and green-eyed jealousy!”

“Flame Wars”. It is cheap, reliable, and contains seemingly endless randomly generated levels.

Lots of flaming goodness in the past few days.



No, just a new console gen. Everyone’s hyping up their own favorite console while trolling the opposition. Remember PS2 vs. Xbox? PSX vs. N64? SNES vs. Genesis? Ugh.

I just ordered a new PC which I guess counts as my toy, now I just need to have a look round and see what I can play that might come close to pushing it to the limit.

And a cheap PS2 and GuitarHero is still on the horizon at some point.

Gears of War and Quake Wars (if it’s out). I don’t really buy a lot of games now. I buy like 4 or 5 PC games a year and rent most of my console games from Gamefly. Time is more a factor than money.

Quake Wars was delayed until 2007. No idea what quarter though. That’s on my list too, I can’t wait.

Just Gears of War for me.

EDIT - oops, didn’t realize CoD3 was also out in November. That’s a must buy I think.

Definitely passing on the PS3. Just can’t see any really good reason to buy it at that cost.

I thought after all these threads it would be clear, but:

None of the games coming out for it in the near-term interest me, except for those I can already get for the 360. The price being what it is, that’s a pass for me.

I’ll eventually get one I’m sure, but probably not until 6-12 months after release when there are some more exciting exclusives.

Also, I only have so much disposable income and more to the point, time to play games. Granted, I have plenty of game-playing time, but there are just tons of games coming out - more than I can devote time to. The near-term PS3 games, even the exclusives, are very much of the type of thing I’ll be playing on the 360. Wii games will at least offer new experiences to some degree, so I’d rather spend a lot less money on that.

  1. BC if it makes it out this fall. It will likely take up 95% of my time.
  2. NWN2 Should provide me a break from WoW
  3. DoW Dark Crusade
  4. New PC to run new games. 3.5 year old cpu plus a 1 year old low grade vid card = I’m tired of slow loading times and low fps. Core2Duo and 7900gt here I come. New widescreen 20’’ lcd is a possibility as well.

Hopefully 2 and 3 make it out before BC and I get in some decent play time with them. The Wii looks interesting but I think I’ll wait until user reviews come out before buying. I have no use for a PS3 (or 360), no games interest me and I hardly turn on my xbox as it is.

  1. Zune or Gigabeat Series S
  2. Treo 750
  3. Wii (maybe)
  4. UFO Extraterrestrials

On the former, here’s a promising update from the developers:

Increasingly, I don’t think I’ll be spending anything in November. I’ve got a couple of PS2 games that I want to pick up in the next week or two (Okami and VP2). After that, I think I’ll just get back to the backlog for the rest of the year.

Thanks! I’m new here so “all these threads” (often cited here as a reason to not explain things) are not part of my knowledgebase. Apologies for the rehash.

Your reasons seem to be pretty common. I really wonder how this launch is going to work out.

Oh, it will certainly sell out.