Humble Bundle key redemption is awesome again (mostly) but the games are kinda meh

In your account settings, mobile is fine. There’s a we’ve raised $195m figure in there and a button underneath to calculate your total.

I found it in the settings of my account on desktop. You have to click the button to get it to calculate.

$248.19 for me. I am liking the May bundle, need to see if I can find a coupon as I don’t want to pay $20 for it.

I thought I bought a decent amount of stuff from Humble (including doing Monthly/Choice since the beginning), but my charity contribution is only $112.

I mean, I’ve been buying them since they started, I may have bought the first one ever. So that’s certainly a lot of my total. But it’s also because I changed the sliders almost every time I ordered, to give charity a bigger share, to cut humbles share down, and sometimes stuff like cutting Stardock’s share to zero.

These changes were inevitable ever since humble got bought out by IGN. The original vision is gone, and they are probably only keeping it at 5% to charity as anything less and it would be beyond a joke. Still, beats what Steam and the Epic Store gives to charities from each sale ($0).

Totally. I don’t see why they wouldn’t set it to 0 by default and make people manually set a slider to 5% every single purchase, honestly.

Is the full bundle up? I thought they just showed the first few games. Mildly curious about Hellpoint, but tbh the next time I’m in the mood for a pseudosouls I’d probably reach for Surge 2, Code Vein, or Mortal Shell first.

OK, apparently I’ve given a total of $72.83 since way back in 2010 or whenever the first Humble Bundle was (or maybe it wasn’t the first?). The one with World of Goo in it, IIRC.

I’ve clearly bought less than you, but ditto as far as the general habits. I’ve been there since the original Humble Indie Bundle (World of Goo 4 Lyfe!) and generally always shifted the sliders around to increase charitable contribution, move money to the devs that were the reason I was buying the bundle, and zero out devs I disliked (that zero for Stardock rings a bell). Not being able to do that really does meaningfully subtract from the value of Humble for me.

Not yet, and sometimes the second tier stuff can be more interesting than the first tier. Right now this is a “maybe” for me, but a good tier 2 game would easily push it over.

I get that 5% is still more than Steam/Epic/etc. give to charity on purchases, but none of those sites were literally founded on the idea of giving through gaming like Humble was (hence the name, Humble Bundle). Sure, when you purchase from Humble your primary interest is getting games on the cheap, but the secondary draw has always been knowing that you are giving to worthy causes while doing so, and the ability to adjust the amount was always a big part of that draw.

I do see in their blog post that they will be implementing an option to “Give More To Charity” that will adjust the split to take money away from the developers and Humble cuts and add it to the charity cut. I guess that is a fair compromise, and you can bet I will be turning that on every single time.

I said it upthread, but they’re clearly not so humble anymore.

It really wasn’t any sort of draw for me. If I want to give to charity, I know how to do that. I don’t object to having money passively go to charity as I buy things, but neither do I particularly care.

Strongly agree - there have been quite a few bundles I’ve been on the fence about, but gone for because it’s a donation to charity, and most of mine have gone to a charity local to me. I guess I’ll just leave the bundles I’m not sure about any more. I doubt Humble will mind - I haven’t been shy about whacking up the charity slider usually to about 80% ish, and Humble’s share down to $1, and apparently I’ve given US$1,690.46 since 2012.

I am with you on this.

I’ve never subscribed to the Humble Monthly bundle, but Metro Exodus and a Dark Souls-y type of game in space? That sounds tempting. But as a non-grandfathered in new person, I’ll probably have to pay a lot for the bundle.

I guess we’ll see next month what choices they have for someone like me who has never opted in before.

This is why I prefer them to dig deeper for the more overlooked stuff. If its a nearly universally appreciated banger like Exodus - yeah, I’ve already played it.

Again, though, there are twelve slots–do you begrudge there being one or two big games in there for cheap for people who may not have bought/played them?

I’ve also seen bundles where the headliners are things I already have-- XCOM 2 and XCOM Chimera were ones that I ended up giving away to my soon 15 year-old nephew, for instance. Have yet to put up all the ones left that I don’t care about… been busy.

I love the spread actually - I consider getting 3 or 4 games I’m interested in from the get-go a big win, which for the most part I can’t think of a month where I didnt get that. I think thats mostly because they do organize it the way they do. And there’s certainly way more big AAA games that I’m interested in that I haven’t played.