I got camped

Those ferrets are pretty damn cute GG.

How the hell do the ferret and the cats not destroy each other? Wow.

Ferrets > Cats.

The picture of the cat and the ferret has to be the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.

Okay, we had a kitty photoshoot last night just so I could post in this thread.

First-- since it’s Halloween-- She’s seen the tape! She only has 7 days to live!

Hazel is 20 (soon to be 21), which makes her like a billion years old in cat time.

Here is where she complains about all this picture taking and just wants a goddamn treat:

And finally, totally stoned on catnip with her bear:

My cat is cuter than all of yours. So there.

Like I said, people who aren’t from the country find it strange, but that’s just the way it is out here. Stray cats are so common that they’re viewed more as a nuisance than cuddly pets.

I doubt most of the cats here have ever had an owner. Less than a quarter of the cats I’ve hit are wearing tags, and sorry, but I have no sympathy for the owners of the tagged cats. People in this community know of the problem and if they’re going to let their cats outside, they shouldn’t be surprised when it gets mistaken for a stray.

If I can prevent even one accident then it will be worth it.

Anyways, when you live in a town where cats are as common as they are here, they’re no different from any other roadkill.

I know numerous people from small rural towns, and have visited them on many occasions, and at no point has anyone ever stated such an opinion. In the country towns I’ve been to, they’re beloved pets or valuable rodent control, and certainly nobody tries to run them over. Except people who are dicks. Much like yourself.

Jesus, this is a thread where people are posting pictures of their pet cats and talking about how much they enjoy and love them, and you come in babbling about how your serial-killer-in-training ass likes running them down? And then when the statement is clearly shown to be unappreciated in the thread, you come back and try to justify it? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Even if you are going to be a total fool, there’s still no reason to aim for animals. Shit, at least think of the potential mess to the underside of your car.

That being said… even in a rural area at night, if you are attentive, you’ll see deer. Unless they are jumping out of the trees, in which case, well, hope you are good at defensive driving.

Really? Deer dash out in front of cars all the time around here. We have an extreme deer overpopulation problem.

Actually, even here in Jersey, twice I’ve had deer hop across the road in front of me. This was during the daytime, though, and both times I just braked to a stop with plenty of room to spare.

What the fuck? A quarter? How many cats have you killed you fucking maniac? Wrong thread, wrong theme, please go away now.

Usually that sentence, when spoken aloud in your (red)neck of the woods, is appended with “So bend over, Sis.”

Stray cats are so common that they’re viewed more as a nuisance than cuddly pets.

Funny, I feel the same way about sociopathic backwoods clods like yourself. How many gerbils do you go through a month in keeping your PC up and running, I wonder? OH WELL MORE DISPOSABLE FAUNA HOOM HUM TOP OF THE FOOD CHAIN MANIFEST DESTINY HEEYUK

I doubt most of the cats here have ever had an owner.

Wow, what a totally sound and unimpeachable basis for your wholesale felicide of the furry disenfranchised of Pussyhump, MI there, Skeeter. Your car must draw more flies than Kubert during his Sgt. Rock run.

Less than a quarter of the cats I’ve hit are wearing tags,


and sorry, but I have no sympathy for the owners of the tagged cats. People in this community know of the problem and if they’re going to let their cats outside, they shouldn’t be surprised when it gets mistaken for a stray.

And dragged 300 yards screaming, guts flying hither and yon, tobacco spittle and Pork 'n ‘Beans farts permeating the air. YOU HEAR THAT, MRS. PUDSTUCKEY? MR. GIGGLES’ SAFETY CANNOT BE GUARANTEED OUTSIDE THE MUTHAFUCKIN WIRE.

If I can prevent even one accident then it will be worth it.

Would you kill yourself then (you might cause an accident one day)? An ounce of prevention means a ton of dead hillbilly (stupid is heavy, yo).

Anyways, when you live in a town where cats are as common as they are here, they’re no different from any other roadkill.

NO SHIT LIKE THEM MUDFOLK TOO HUH? You are like the Gordian Knot of backwater dipshit logic, the Parthenon of lizard-brained troglodytic subhumanity that skulk the desolate lowlands of The First 48. If they bothered to ever mark the pauper’s grave you’re destined to plow headlong into like so much feline carcass, your epitaph would read:


I’ll pee on it to kickstart the poppies.

I doubt most of the cats here have ever had an owner. Less than a quarter of the cats I’ve hit are wearing tags, and sorry, but I have no sympathy for the owners of the tagged cats. People in this community know of the problem and if they’re going to let their cats outside, they shouldn’t be surprised when it gets mistaken for a stray.

Uh, the reason normal people resist the urge kill cats isn’t because “it has an owner”. Also, how do you know if they have tags?

And finally, uh, maybe the reason they let them out is because they assume that there aren’t sociopaths running over stray cats for fun. Or is is it common to kill stray cats on sight where you are from?

Because of the war pics he takes afterwards to show off to his buddies.

I hate cats. Been allergic to them all my life and loathe the creatures. But I would do my utmost to avoid ever harming an animal. Would absolutely break my heart to think of a little boy or girl finding their pet that they loved dead on the side of the road after I ran it over.

Yeah. I mean, christ. This guy is scary.

Also, how do you know if they have tags?

That struck me as odd, also. I find it hard to believe that even though he has difficulty distinguishing a cat from a deer while driving, he can see whether the animal is wearing tags prior to running it down. Does this ever lead to weird situations where he thinks to himself “Gol’DANG! Why’re in the heck does that deer got TAGS?!”

The other–and more likely–explanation is that he gets his chance to check for tags when he retrieves the remains for his “collection.”

Probably does happen, since he has clearly hit cats with tags in the past. This guy sounds like he has the vision of a rhino.

The other–and more likely–explanation is that he gets his chance to check for tags when he retrieves the remains for his “collection.”

Yeah, they’re not worth swerving for, but they’re worth stopping and getting out of the truck to examine afterwards. How’d this guy end up here? We have nutbars and weirdos at Qt3 semi-regularly, but rarely do we actually encounter subhuman filth.

It’s a pity Jobe isn’t here anymore…

He’s a troll from PlanetCrap. This should tell you all you need to know.

I considered a “Defender of Cats 2005” poll, but then I thought
“Sod it!”, 'coz everyone would just vote for Mr. Dungsroman :)

Gideongamer: That cat of yours has unreal fur. People say a pet’s fur
shows how happy it is. Fancy must be in a blissful daze all the time!

He’s a troll from PlanetCrap. This should tell you all you need to know.[/quote]

I don’t think so. I’m pretty familiar with most of them, and this guy’s MO doesn’t match any of the usual suspects.

Ditto here.