I hate this guy

That’s true. Some visual examples:

Well, I found an entire booklet of girl games at work. It’s all ubisoft titles like the ad, just the expanded version. Will post more later!

Also, I have hated the everquest bitches since they first came to exist right around Kunark.

DIE HORRIBLE AD DIE. Really, the only game ad worse is that first Dead or Alive Xtreme commercial of implied boner shame.

Yes. We need more “Gamers are all losers LOL!” ads to be put out.

Are these two vapid, boring women in a bar supposed to make me want to play Everquest 2?

Think I’d rather drink myself into a stupor than play Everquest 2 “with celebrities” as they suggest I should do.

That ad is bad, but you know, at least it’s not a PR debacle like the one The Sims Online had when some dude who ran a blog, I think it was called the Alphaville Herald, reported on how underaged gamers (15 year old girls and such) were offering online blowjobs and sex for real money. And pictures, outside the game. So like instead of dealing with the issue by removing these accounts, they deleted his account instead on the grounds that he was ‘advertising his blog’ in-game, which he didn’t.

Nope. It’s worse than that, it was for the first one. At a point where it was known only by nerds and their comrades. There’s a reason the ads were canceled/pulled, but they’ll never disappear.

More pics please. This thread is full of win.

There are many unfortunate things about this ad.

Is that company seriously called STD? What were they thinking?

They wanted their branding to be infectious.

I don’t get it. How come he is hugging his mom on a park bench?

Must resist… urge to… Photoshop wang… in place of joystick…

That is fake right? Right??


I am loving the fact that since it’s the first video I’ve uploaded on that account, it made the teenage dude with the chick+magnet shirt my youtube avatar. He must be right at the halfway point or something.


New one, courtesy of Tom. I think we’ve gone full circle.


That image so dates back to the late 90’s.

It’s, like, the WOOOOO! guy’s NSWF soulmate.

Heh, I think I found her by googling “videogame” and “annoying”, or some variation thereof. The great part is that her husband is making her play something that looks like a NASCAR game on a PC with a joystick, and she’s doing it online, and in the dining room. That just has “videogamer family” written all over it.
