I hate this guy



I feel like you guys set that up beforehand. That was way too good to have happened spontaneously.


You must be feeling better, Tom, making witty asides and doing the podcast and such. Hope so, anyway. :-)

Funny that all four types of player are white and male. Perhaps the unseen event organizer is an imaginary black woman.

But these are all four types of gamers! All four!

I feel well-represented.

What if they’re all transgender?

But they’re already representing an even rarer minority: someone wearing a Rainbow Six: Siege shirt.

root beers maybe, this is the PG era.

FM maybe, not AM.

Thanks, Steam.


There’s more!

The best thing about VR is how awesome this thread is going to be!


Those VR pics are pretty tame compared to most of the pics in this thread.

That’s because VR makes everything worse.


VR mimes!

That’s because most pics in this thread are either stock photography or are advertisements from a decade ago or more.

10 years from now when the VR fad has come and gone these pics will be just as amusing as someone wearing the Nintendo Power Glove. :-)


Shortly after this picture was taken they all walked into the fountain in the mall.

From some mid 90s issue of CGW.

“Rated G, so it’s safe for the kids too!”

I’m sure that defeats the purpose for people who were thinking of getting it.