I hate this guy

I think we can all agree to hate this guy.

Almost makes me regret owning a TI-99/4A when I was a kid.

Nintendo Switch, ya’ll. So many punchable faces. I honestly have absolutely no idea if this is a parody.

Edit: Nope, it’s real.


Those people deserve to be locked in a cage with a bunch of feral cats.

Is there something wrong with me? That advert made me want a Switch.

I rather enjoyed Sterling’s most recent take on the Switch.

Every day I use PSN, and I say, “Holy shit, how is it possible that Sony could be so grossly incompetent at running an online network compared to Microsoft?”

And then Nintendo shows up.

To be clear: Nintendo dropped the Wii brand to have those people jerking off an invisible oversized wang?

But of course … wouldn’t everyone, given the chance???

(Click to see hateable guy)

I remember trying a Winamp plugin version of that software. It sucked.

I am assuming he uploaded a sleeper program before he touched it like that.

Mission creep.

I would be more excited about the Switch if they dropped the Wii-like motion control crap. (And lowered the price.)

Actually, what’s wrong here?

Beta cuck incel is eyeing the woman because this is the closest he’s been to a vagina since his mom squeezed him out. He will later walk her to her car and open the door for her but when she doesn’t offer him sex as a than you he will shift into passive aggressive nice guy and vent his frustrations on the nice guy and MGTOW sub reddits

So I guess none of us can figure it out.

Minor nitpicks:
Honestly, who holds a chip bowl like that? That’s a good way to dump chips.

Since it’s a USAA ad they had to throw somebody in an ARMY T-shirt.

There is far, far too much light in that room to be gaming as well. The glare on the screen would be horrible.

Other than that I’ve got nothing.

They just look like normal people behaving normally. I guess when you’re selling insurance, you don’t have the models in the picture doing xtreme poses.

I agree with you. Really nitpicks are nothing when compared to over the top WooOOOoooo guy.