I Love You, Q23.

Talk dirty to me baby.

Everything I hear about ResetEra makes me want to stay away from it at all costs. The last thing I need nowadays - or anyone needs, in fact - is an echo chamber…

Isn’t that what we are as well? Perhaps not as sharply defined at the edges, but we most definitely show signs of hive mindedness at times.

Also chopper pr0n because hnnngg yeah!

I don’t think ResetEra is an echo chamber, rather it has so many people that it’s hard to get a feel for most anyone and the chance of someone taking offence at anything goes up the more people there are.

So it ends up having more in common with Reddit or Twitter than a smaller forum, where there’s still a chance for people not to immediately jump to the worst possible take.

From what I’ve peripherally seen of it, the P&R forum is largely an echo chamber in that anyone veering right is ostracized and shunned until they leave, but we very rarely ban anybody other than spammers.

I mean, the degree to which leftist people agree with each other is vastly overexaggerated in my experience.

That’s fair. Point was even consistent shunning of a person by the community is very different than management outright banning him.

True enough.

Every group will exhibit some degree of “hive mindedness”. That’s how group identity works, in a way, and it can never be completely suppressed. It’s usually enough to be aware of it, though.

There are some “echo chamber”-y aspects here, but we are collectively more aware of them than not, which helps a lot, I suppose. There is some leeway for debate here, within certain expectations of mutual respect, and that’s hard to find in these heavily polarized times.

Outside of politics I think that’s true. Inside, you only see people arguing over their degree of liberalism. That’s my perception anyway-- we aren’t immune to that polarization. Like many of us I see it as a matter of morality not politics, perhaps that’s a rationalization, but it feels ok to me.

As most things, it’s more complicated than that. Politics are informed by a lot more things than just philosophy, morality, or reason. It’s a minefield and it’s very hard to proceed - as in finding common ground or even changing opinion - without setting some mines off. And unless all parties involved are specialists or ready to lose some limbs, they’ll try to stick to their positions or to well defined paths that they know by experience are less likely to have mines. ;)

Amazingly, I had never run across the helicopter thing, so I appreciate the education.

This is more in line with what Resetera is. I have been banned there a couple times as well and I kinda knew it was coming when I made the post, but what I wanted to say needed to be said IMO.

There are a lot of people there that have a very high opinion of themselves and their ideas with no ground to stand on to support them. There are also many industry insiders there as well as people who I respect and have chatted with for many years online…as far back as I go with some people here in fact (to USENET).

I won’t go away unless they permaban me, but I don’t post much anymore there. I use it as an aggregator for news and to see general opinion because as noted above, there is a hivemind at Qt3 and it is uh… less than in tune with the mainstream hardcore gamer. It’s a huge place and it represents what a much larger subset of people like most in gaming rather well.

My personal view is that if I’m banned even once and I feel it’s unjust, then the forum probably isn’t for me and I go away.

But that’s so mature.

See what I mean? This whole thread is gay now. There’s gay smeared on the walls. And I know that’s what that stuff is cause I tasted it.


That’s not really a hivemind though. Idiosyncratic, yes, but there is plenty of variation in tastes here.

It just does, yes, not trend towards Madden, Football Manager, and CoD. If you wanted to have discussions on what the years biggest sellers then Reddit is more your place. Just look at the breadth of games that got nods in the 2020 Quarterlies.

More critical? Sure. Less mainstream in taste and discussion? Absolutely. Hive mind? No.

I like CoD.
THX Simpson in [HQ] - YouTube

Not that there is anything wrong with that.

Personally I hate most FPS games, but I’ll admit that outside of Nintendo first party games, not much of what I like could qualify as ‘mainstream’.

But it is true that you are going to get far more discussion here over something Mass Effect than you are Madden.