Idiocracy was not a satire, it's a documentary

It makes the perfect gift.

That’s brilliant. They should start marketing Starbursts as “Easy to chew, on-the-go, carbohydrate energy.”

This reminds me (by way of a train of thought) of the maddening trend of “stating the obvious as though it were a benefit” in advertising.

“Bubble Gum - NO FAT!!!”

No fucking shit there’s no fat in it; it’s Goddamned bubblegum.

The “NO FAT” myth - It may not have fat but it has sugar which your body breaks converts into fat if you don’t use the energy.

A friend of mine posted a picture to Facebook a cereal box that boasted, “Manages Hunger”, as a selling point. Well, no shit, it’s food.

“Butter dipped butter: low in sugar and no trans fats!”

FYI, when I lived in Mexico, saying “Bimbo” bread was basically like saying “Wonder” bread. I don’t know if it’s in other countries but it’s pretty big down there.

that’s only available in the uk, my friend. i still want to try it though.

The “antioxidants” label I see on some chocolate bars tickles the hell out me.

Oh sweet Jesus. . . the antioxidants craze leaves me apoplectic. Oh, cool, OJ is high in antioxidants now?! Sweet! Who fucking knew it had Vitamin C in it -.-

Nearly as bad as Activia branding the bacteria that’s in every single halfway decent make of yogurt as some miraculous discovery for bowel health which only they possess.

I really should just avoid marketing in general.

Yeah, that’s exactly right; it’s the name of a very large bakery monopoly in Mexico. You can find Bimbo products in any Mexi-style mini-super here in the states. Don’t have a clue what it means, if anything, down south.

The convenience store I usually visit on the way to work in the morning sells these right at the counter:

According to the girls there, they sell enough that they need to restock the box of 30 or so every other week. They also sell some suckers that have dead ants and scorpions that apparently also do well, but not as well as crunchy flavored crickets.

I guess it’s more convenient than competing with the pigeons and spiders for the ones outside.

If you want to laugh (or very likely cry) do a search for the amazing healing powers of Oxygen Water. I don’t feel like crying right now.

Insects are supposed to be a healthy, high-protein, low-fat snack better than chips etc. I’d be wary of eating/griling crickets from my neighborhood as sub-urban people are way too liberal with pesticides and insecticides. But eating from a cricket farm might be good and with them being flavored maybe it’s a way to wean off cheese puffs to something not so bad. If I knew they were organic I’d buy and eat those crickets (if they weren’t too expensive).

I’ve had crickets. Not much flavor of their own; it’s mostly the flavoring they’re covered in you taste. That said, the legs aren’t really super comfortable going down the throat; I choked on one of them a bit.

Yeah, I don’t think cooked insects count. They are legit food in many cultures and actually pretty good for you.

This could be the start of something big and Idiocracy related to boot.

I had a hunter in Wow named Owmyballs for a couple of years, but they finally made me change it. Too bad, it went well with Beefsupreeme the death knight.