Idiot conspiracy theorists

Watch out, Carrot Top. Someone is gunning for the prop comic crown.

Really took it to heart, guys.

Repeat over and over:

Kanye: “I love Hitler.”

Alex Jones: “You mean you love Hitler like Jesus loves all people. Wonderful message.”

Kanye: “Nope. I mean I especially love and admire Hitler and the Nazis. And not just the fashion of the Nazi uniforms. Alex stop saying the fashion is the only thing I love about Hitler, there’s so much more. Also the holocaust numbers are fake.”

For those who didn’t suffer through the 3 hour conversation, I am not joking, even about the Holocaust statement.

Paraphrased? Or is that an actual actual quote? This damned modern era, man. I really can’t tell. :)

Not an actual quote but I wasn’t trying to exaggerate in my paraphrase.

Edit: I’m sorry I can only find a random Factorio gaming stream link as an example:

“Hitler didn’t kill 6 million Jews. That’s just factually incorrect.”

Too crazy even for Parler.

Given his current look I’m not sure if he should be more worried about the Jews or G.I. Joe.

I like how you can visibly see Alex Jones think, “holy shit this dude is fucking bonkers”.

And unfortunately that thought is followed by “but this is great content!”

Near as I can tell Burns isn’t direct quoting, but he’s also not being hyperbolic. Which is fucking insane.

I just saw a clip where Ye goes after Chapelle and says he’s a Jewish puppet and doesn’t believe in Jesus.
The only “good” part is watching Alex Jones be uncomfortable and try to salvage things as it continually gets worse.

It’s a direct quote, and if anything he’s underselling it with the number of Os.

Oh my.

Maybe Ye has the hates to suck the right wing vote away from Trump come the primaries. 🥸

When the voice of reason and moderation on a panel is Alex Jones, something is super-wrong.

You hate to see it.

At the end of the day who cares? He can still go on air and spew his nonsense. He can still get paid by advertisers and sponsors. He’s still in business. He still lives in his house and drives his cars.

He has faced zero consequences.

I believe that any money makes will be used to pay down that legal bill. I believe that it’s structured so that even bankruptcy won’t help him.

I don’t know, what kind of consequences should he face that aren’t happening to him? I mean, ones that are in the realm of possibility?