Idiot conspiracy theorists

That was brilliant. I’ve never put a bumper sticker on my car but I could make an exception for that one.

And there’d be no more dogs as they’d have chased it all off the edge!

I didn’t invent that joke, someone at work happened to tell it to me a few days ago.

LOL…social media is going to be responsible for the human race going insane and exterminating itself. Great job social media!

This may drastically change the Drake Equation.


AOC is of Puerto Rican heritage. Why would she be a Muslim?

Because she’s brownish.

They want to portray her as evil personified – being a librul brownie isn’t enough, so they have to display her forwarding evil causes…and in their minds, her promoting muslim causes is doing that. I’m only surprised they don’t have her endorsing kiddie porn and child sex slavery.

The same reason McCain who literally joked about bombing Iran was secretly an Iranian spy: because reasons.

Also this.

But mostly because these people are morons. They say the same shit about literally every Democrat/person who opposed their cult leader. If they ever read or heard Reagan’s speeches they’d declare him a Communist without a hint of irony.

Somebody needs to make a bunch of Reagan quotes pasted onto hated Democrats like AOC and spread it through social media for the luls.

There’s a flat earth documentary on Netflix that’s pretty good, in that it isn’t “satirical”, or even no-scare-quotes-satirical.

Also, (spoilers), it has the most heart-warming ending.


Flat Earthers spend $20,000 to prove the Earth is flat, end up proving it's round

Behind the Curve was good. Weird, but good.

This is awesome

I hope that guy gets destroyed, and has to give all his future earnings to Sandy Hook victims, forever, until he dies alone.

I wish someone would take away all he’s got and all he’s ever gonna have.
