Immigration in the US

It shouldn’t be surprising when people who work in occupations which allow them to exert power over helpless people turn out to be the sort of people who like to exert power over helpless people.

source: News -

Per Oregon state laws, first degree sodomy is defined as “oral or anal sexual intercourse with another person or causes another to engage in oral or anal sexual intercourse commits the crime of sodomy in the first degree (when/if) the victim is forced, is under 12, is under 16 but related – “brother or sister, of the whole or half blood, the son or daughter of the actor or the son or daughter of the actor’s spouse” – or when the victim is “incapable of consent by reason of mental defect, mental incapacitation or physical helplessness.”

Unrelated to his work because the target is related to him somehow, and despite the number of charges, it might be one person he assaulted.

This latest episode of This American Life is outstanding. In it, they look at all the non-sexy, non-headline grabbing ways Trump’s administration is gumming up legal immigration.

I literally just finished listening to it, and was coming to post it.

Seconded recommendation. Also throw one more on the ‘Trumpettes are racist’ pile. That man in Kansas? Emblematic of the lost cause, and lost to reason, hardcore Trumpettes are.

The Trump administration proposed expanding its pre-election crackdown on immigration by denying green cards to legal immigrants if they have received government assistance.

Under the new rule, which the Department of Homeland Security posted online Saturday following an inquiry from POLITICO, immigrants can be denied so-called “lawful permanent residency” if they’ve received certain government benefits — or if the government anticipates that they may do so in the future.

The measure represents the latest move by White House aide Stephen Miller to reduce drastically all immigration to the U.S., both legal and illegal, and reflects his strong conviction that doing so will improve congressional Republicans’ chances in the midterm elections.

This is such bullshit. The ink is barely even dry on the last recession that punished a lot of people, damaged a lot of futures while allowing those actually responsible to get away with essentially little repercussions, we’re talking a wide reaching recession, and now the government is trying to get their base to vote by playing to their worst fears and prejudices with this idea that immigrants come to the USA just to sit back, relax, and get free stuff.

It’s the kind of bullshit that gets these governtment folks several circles down in Dante’s Hell.

Motherfuck this goddamn administration.

Open Government: Newly released memo reveals secretary of homeland security signed off on family separation policy

The memo states that DHS could “permissibly direct the separation of parents or legal guardians and minors held in immigration detention so that the parent or legal guardian can be prosecuted.” It outlines three options for implementing “zero tolerance,” the policy of increased prosecution of immigration violations. Of these, it recommends “Option 3,” referring for prosecution all adults crossing the border without authorization, “including those presenting with a family unit,” as the “most effective.”

The last page of the memo contains a signature approving Option 3, but the signature—almost certainly Nielsen’s, given that the memo is addressed to her—was blacked out by FOIA officers on privacy grounds. FOIA officials also appear to have redacted the date of the signature indicating approval.


I saw this on twitter and was about to post this.

Now maybe we are all just super critical of this administration and BS like this happens under all administrations. But given this was reported on Stars & Stripes, I think it is virtually impossible happened to Lt. Col family in the Obama administration there wouldn’t right wing media won’t have erupted in anger, despite the anti-immigrant bias. It seems far more likely that ICE would have granted an exemption due to the officer’s deployment under Obama. As a general rule if you are under deployment you pretty much get a deferral on most legal matters, foreclosure, car repossession etc.

Because of course they have.

And you can bet that those are private for-profit facilities run by a company that’s connected to the Grifter in Chief or one of his cabinet members.

Walk away you fucking coward!

That is awesome. I would have done the same thing, though I think a lot of profanity would flow from my the lips as I’d be so angry to see this in person.

Nothing evil here at all. Now move along…

ICE delenda est.

Privately run. Of course it was.