Immortals Fenyx Rising - Assassin's Cartoon of The Wild

Weird, the PS4 version looks great! No issues with distance, though I did have stuttering once during a particularly chaotic battle scene.

I suspect the easy mode only makes combat easy. Some of the platforming puzzles in the vaults are quite difficult. (I just beat the Achilles wraith vault and it took some doing.) But I’m not sure any of them are required. Certainly exploration of the landscape, with the gliding and mounted riding, is pretty easy and could be handled by a youngster. And there are a bunch of fine-grained assists you can turn on for the puzzles.

The voice-over narration consists of banter between Prometheus and Zeus. Some of it is suggestive, but the off-color jokes are subtle enough that a 6 year-old won’t get them. (“Now it’s time to plunge into Aphrodite’s vault!” or “Achilles has a very fine sword indeed.”) It also really does delve pretty deeply into the mythology, so can be surprisingly educational. (In the section I played this morning, they discussed–apropos of nothing game-wise–how Selene loved Endymion and asked Zeus to make him sleep forever so she could be with him always. Prometheus: “You didn’t, did you?” Zeus: “I… I don’t remember. How can I remember everything I do to every mortal?”)

Thanks! Sounds like it’s worth getting the Xbox version then. A little surprised this game doesn’t have a 10% back rewards deal there like most major new releases do.

Yea, after having some issues I read it runs a little better on Playstation platforms at the moment. I’m still hyped for the game, and really enjoyed the back and forth between the gods as I went about my business, so it’s on my to-buy list after I upgrade and it’s inevitably on sale.

Ah, complaining about the lack of deals worked!

Amazon has it for $40 after coupon right now. Disc version usually isn’t my preference, but it makes it easier to do for Christmas.

I just picked that up as well for PS4 with free upgrade to PS5. $40 is worth it for TCGOTY.

Just started this on PS4. I can’t help but be a bit annoyed right now that in the intro, you take the sword out of the ground with your left hand then give it some practice swings. But then you’re attacked and you wield it in your right. Thought for a second they went unconventional in handedness but just a cutscene glitch I guess.

Could be a reference to BotW. ;)

Speaking of which, you’ll find friendly soldiers at some fixed places, and they’ll speak small phrases occasionally. One of those phrases I heard yesterday was “do your weapons break all the time? I must be doing something wrong” or something to that effect. ;)

Before I realized there were friendly soldiers, I sneaked up on a bunch of them and carefully maneuvered in for a stealth kill. I thought I was doing really well that none of them had seen me yet. I mean, I was standing in the open, right there with some of them facing me, and no one was reacting because I was crouched so well. Oh, man, stealth is gonna make this game easy mode all the way! Then I attacked and they still didn’t react. It took me a few swings before I realized they were invulnerable because they were my buddies.

Then they all got killed when I drew aggro from a cyclops. Thanks for the assist, guys, hope you’re having fun in the afterlife, sorry I tried to sneak up and kill you!


I did exactly the same thing. The next group I found I made extra sure to try to kill the baddies before they were all wiped out.

You know those gaming archetypes? Explorer, Achiever, Socializer, & Killer? I’m mainly an Explorer. I loved 90% of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, particularly the exploration of the world and the slow mastery of its systems. I love uncovering the breadth of options in every level of the current Hitman games; getting to Mastery level 20 in each map is great, but I like to feel like I’ve got a 70% understanding of each location, not 100% every challenge, secret, and assassination method. I’ve played the shit out of Dark Souls 1 & 3, Bloodborne, and Sekiro, and love moving around the world and uncovering the secrets of each level; the boss fights are great fun as challenges, but after a few attempts I usually like to read a simple guide to help me beat them. I don’t get a lot of value from (or have a lot of patience for) the process of learning the boss patterns and finding strategies to counter them.

So that’s where I’m coming from.

I played this for 1.5 hours and enjoyed my time with it, but found myself playing like I do many of the UbiGames; look around for stuff to accomplish and tick it off the list. There was a powerup on the roof of a big temple; I should get that. There’s a Power Challenge that I don’t have the Power for yet; I should come back for that. Of course it was very early in the game, with not a lot of room for the gameloop to settle in. Of course I was early in the combat options, with not a ton of options in engagements. Of course there’s the chance that things could open up more later. I get that 1.5 hours isn’t a ton of time to understand the depths of the game.

But when I lay in bed thinking about my time with the game, I found myself attracted only to ‘growing my power’ in the game, not to an imaginative engagement with the game itself.

I wasn’t eager to see more of my Fenix’s story; in fact I was hoping to skip every story beat possible. I wasn’t wondering about some ruins I’d seen, or why certain enemies behaved the way they did–neither the world nor the antagonists pulled at my curiosity. I wasn’t entranced by the movement or traversal of the world. There was a bunch of stuff in each of those areas–story, worldbuilding, traversal, combat–but it was all just…present, not juicy. Playing it after playing Zelda felt like playing Joe & Mac on the SNES after playing Super Mario World. It’s there, it’s fine, but it’s not sit-forward-in-anticipation good.

In fact, it got me playing Breath of the Wild again, and wow does that hold up well. I wish Zelda could be updated with the combat and combat control of Immortals Fenix Rising, but otherwise, I’m glad this game reminded me of the greatness of that game, and got me back into it.

Funny. Also an explorer, and that’s very much how I felt about BotW

Did you do far sight so that stuff is listed on your map, or are you just exploring and thinking, “hey, is that maybe an entrance over there, or that looks like a good place to stash a powerup so I’ll check it out.”? I didn’t do far sight so I’m just finding things as I explore and find it enjoyable. I hate Ubi icon chases.

I really wish I played BotW more before I sold my Switch. There were things that annoyed me about the game but I should have just enjoyed the exploration more.

This is a really good game. Better than Valhaya and Watch Dogs Legion by far.

I played about 10 hours so far, and agree. Everything feels compressed and contrived, rather than expansive and natural.

Still a good way to spend some hours, but doesn’t do what Zelda did for me.

I only watched a 2 minutes or so. That intro made shut the video off.

How is it not a conflict of interest? A publisher sponsors a video about their game. The video is called 5 things I love about that game.

As long as it’s clear that the video is sponsored I don’t have a problem with it existing. I probably wouldn’t watch it, and/or I’d bring along a giant hunk of salt, but publishers sponsor videos all the time.

OTOH, I do have a problem with sponsored reviews, and this rides really close to or over that line.

I fine with sponsored videos, I mean people have to make a living somehow.

The video describing how great the game is (albeit I only watched a couple of minutes) sponsored by the publisher. If this was for something else unrelated, then it’s not an issue.

I’m worried stuff like this getting normalized.

No one is looking for journalistic integrity with these promo vids.

Some of the platforming vaults…teeth gnashing frustration. The crouch control is so sluggish. And really hard to move Fenyx around tiny ledges precisely. She really likes to take one step too far.

I really like the pace of this game. I can hop on for 20 minutes, go run a vault or grab a challenge or whatever and make some progress. It’s a byte-sized open world game. And I’m getting used to the idea that all your quests are marked on the map rather than in a journal. I like the compactness of the UI.