In Which North Carolina Strives to Create an American Christian Caliphate

Would you at least call the Zebra back? It’s been stalking me looking for your contact info. Took this pic out my window just now

He seems unhappy.

SHE seems unhappy! Damn it, just because I fucked a cobra zebra you guys think you can cast aspersions on my sexual morality!

Maybe she… caught something?

Most likely the demon coming out of that zebra’s head and tail. Every horror movie and slightly adult or higher anime movie teaches us that demons are the ultimate STD.

Yeah, that tail. That’s not a cobra zebra. That’s a scorpion zebra.

it’s like Oroborous-anism

Holly Springs Target today

Simultaneously not on the ball, but on the ball, also not on target, but on Target.

Well played sir! You win the internet today.

Those bollards are dangerous! A few summers back, when I worked for Target HQ, they painted them in colorful stripes – you know, like a beach ball? Only to paint them back to a solid red after more than one person broke their toes giving the “beach balls” a solid kick.

How are we to know they aren’t powered by demons?

All the demons are in Raleigh I’ll have you know.

I believe it would actually be imps.

How does that even happen?

Dude, I feel especially embarrassed because of this thread, I get my, “what the fuck, NC,” injection a bit too often. This article, what the flipping hell?

We need to start undermining threads for other states just so we aren’t bubbled to the top so much with our failure. I mean, low hanging fruit would be a Florida Man thread but still, can we not get something going like a Washington Weirdos or something so I feel a little better?

Maheur Militia Madness and pissy Portland Police would be one east enough to do too.

It’s just our badness is rarely legislative.

Objectionable Oregonians.

Oh, hio

Just be like Minneapolis and take over the police and BLM threads for months at a time.