iOS Games Thread

Did you know Titan Quest was coming out soon for iOS? I didn’t!

May 19th… mind blown!

Super Tribes just got a new game mode - seems to be unlimited turns until only one civ survives.

Pretty much the only game that’s clicked with me on the Ipad all year. Good stuff.

Patch 1.0.2 for Pathfinder Adventures was submitted to Apple last night and should be available within 3 days.

SuperTribes does a great job at showing what a waste of time most 4x games really are (IMO).

Also, nice to see you from Ancient Warfare Magazine podcast!

[edit] by this i mean, SuperTribes gets to the meat of the game quickly and doesn’t bog down with repetitive tasks that take up most of your time but don’t add to the game. I can’t tell you how many times i’ve played Civ V for hours only to think later “what did i actually just spend my time doing?”.

Wonder if it’s iPad only. Sure hope not.

Here’s hoping that they add a map size adjuster as well.

The Pathfinder Adventures update is now available in both stores.

Tablet only. God dammit.

Tsuro is on sale for $0.99 for the first time ever, down from $4.99. Previous low was $3.99.

Damn, I thought the Penny Arcade card game just got updated with the expansion for a moment there.

Sorry! Post updated.

Sky Force Reloaded just came up, in case there are those who don’t read many reviews.

It’s just as awesome as the previous one. It’s free so I ponied up for the in-game purchases, this really deserves it.

I was pretty disappointed that Titan Quest won’t run on my iPad…damn. is one of the most brutal MP games around by the way. No points for being nice in this one as everyone is out to get you.

Ooooh. Titan Quest! Hello long plane ride!

A bit late to the party, but thank you very much for that recommendation: I would never have thought a Civilization score attack mode could work this well, and the F2P with IAP tag would have scared me away anyway. But what a great game this is! The 30 turns limit smartly solves the time-consuming ill effect of the ‘one-more-turn’ syndrome.

While I am here, and since it hasn’t been, as far as I can tell, mentioned, I suggest puzzle fans to try the now-free King Rabbit. It is the sequel to Furrdemption, and is a real action-puzzle game, involving half a dozen mechanics and switches.
The game is a bit on the easy side of puzzles, mainly because while there are completist objectives, the game lets you tackle them one at a time and saves your progress as long as you exit it properly. But every puzzle actually features a perfect solution, and that one is of course the hardest to come by (and not rewarded in any way in-game, booh).
Some puzzles are very much action-oriented: you got a slo-mo cheat mode you can activate with in-game money (or by spending real money on it, although you shouldn’t need to do that). The only IAP-only items are a “hint” system, that just walks you through the perfect run of a given level (thereby killing the purpose of the game - go figure), and a 64-levels pack available for 2 bucks, which I got immediately after completing the hundreds of free levels because I couldn’t get enough of that charming little game.

Cthulhu Realms is out!

I was really excited over this and… well…
It seems to be basically a reskin of Star Realms, with a much more annoying interface.
To check or play a card, you have to tap it, to zoom in violently, and you then can’t swipe to check the other ones next to it. I found the incessant zooming back and forth to be sickening. The table view of the cards is barely decipherable on my phone’s (arguably small) screen, and this is made worse by the choice of colours and a useless tilted angle view. The cards have icons on them describing their behaviours, but I can’t make them out from that table view and if I zoom in, I get a much more comprehensive text summary of what the card does, thus making the icon language irrelevant.

The theme also doesn’t make much sense - even the tutorial can’t avoid poking fun at it (sanity loss to destroy buildings, unh?).
Not a single line of flavor text on the cards is also a minus to me.

I will happily stick to Star Realms.

You don’t have to zoom in. You can play cards by dragging them to the appropriate area, and you can acquire them by dragging them to the discard pile. You do need to zoom when activating optional powers, though that’s also true of Star Realms.

Haven’t played the app yet, but I find Cthulu Realms better for 3+ player and Star Realms better for 2 in real life. Look forward to Hero Realms the mostest though. (kickstarter is up now)

Which would be fine, if I could make anything out on the tiny, tiny phone interface. The cards are really small (your hand, in particular, is displayed fan-shaped in a corner, while it is arguably the most important part of the game?) and there is way too much clutter and visual noise for my aging eyesight. None of this was too much of an issue in Star Realms. It seems to me the developers wanted to go for something fancy, which might look fine on tablets, but I find it very cumbersome here on a phone.

I agree that Cthulhu Realms is very difficult to play on a phone. For that matter, I also thought Star Realms didn’t play well on my phone. But both are fine on a tablet.