iPad3 LTE?!

No motors doesn’t mean the haptic effect, however they achieve it, doesn’t drain the battery though. Anyway I seriously doubt the iPad gets haptics this generation.

It could be great for gaming too. Having virtual buttons and joysticks that let you feel where they are sounds really cool.

Sure, could be cool for lots of reasons. Having a virtual keyboard where you can actually feel the keys was just the first thing that popped into my unimaginative mind.

I’d choose haptics over LTE, given battery concerns.

So, I’m out of town and at an Apple Store. This is what’s right in front of me.

The Apple Store employees are into this, too.

Announcing Siri Japan! OMG SQUEEELLLlllzzz…

iOS 5.1, wonder what it has besides Japanese Siri.

1080p Apple TV with mini-apps. But no usual App Store. Interesting.

Retina display.

and LTE.

Tell them to stop watching F’ng apple tv and help customers with their current macs. I can’t stand apple stores.

Siri for iPhone 4 in 5.1?

There’s easily double the amount of Apple Store staff here as customers looking for help. And as customers wander by, they peel off. No one’s suffering here.

Something is definitely peculiar…we are 50 minutes into this and they haven’t referred to it by any name other than simply “the new iPad”

That doesn’t surprise me. I’m wondering if they’ll keep the iPad 2 around at lower prices and rebrand them iPad and iPad HD.

omg game demos yawn. Just shut up and take my money.

I’m honestly not an Apple fanboi at all, but if I were to splurge for a tablet, I’d likely get an iPad 3. Thing looks impressive.

Now in a gold card:

Wow - I told my wife I’m getting one this time around. It’s very impressive.

But the LTE ones are pricey. What’s the thoughts on how needed that would be? Can I get by with wireless only, how do you folks with the iPad find it?

I just can’t imagine not having access any time. I may have to splurge.

That’s the sound of any air being let out of Android and BlackBerry tablets…

My problem is that wifi 3G tends to be spotty for me at best indoors. LTE seems to be much, much faster in that setting.