It’s the 20:20 movie frame game of 2018!

Can’t be Only Lovers Left Alive can it?

That’s a negative

Feels like England. Wild guess.

Billy Elliott?


It’s neither Billy Elliott or Blowup.

It’s not going to be helpful, but here’s the 40:40:

Old Woman in Fur Coat Walks Around Albion?

It is not The Queen (2006).

Those Blow Out frames get increasingly De Palma-esque as they progress from the 20:20 to the red-soaked 100:100! Good pick, Mr. Dude.

By the way, I watched Blow Out recently, and it’s got an unforgivable plot hole at the end that pretty much sinks the entire script. HOW DOES TRAVOLTA KNOW THAT NANCY ALLEN IS IN DANGER WHEN NANCY ALLEN DOESN’T EVEN KNOW SHE’S IN DANGER??? So angry about that one. Hey, De Palma, learn 2 direct, n00b!


Mr. De Palma says, “no.”


Final frame, I cannot possibly the only one here who had to suffer through this piece of junk.


Women Wandering Around England Smoking Crack/Heroin? I dunno, Bella, you picked it…

Hm. Blondes with dreads.

Lords of Salem?

Well, if it’s that, then I take it as a mark of pride that I am clueless about the frames.

Thank you charmtrap, it is Lords of Salem. While I was able to find something worthwhile in his other works, I cannot think of a single thing I liked about this Rob Zombie joint.

Over to you @charmtrap!

It isn’t very good, it’s true.

Zombie definitely has a knack around a camera. Every one of his movies has a couple of pretty creepy tableau. LoS is no exception. It’s just too bad that he insists on writing them too. Plus, honestly, if Zombie would stop casting his terrible actress wife in lead roles, his movies would improve by a full letter grade at least.

New 20 in a couple of hours.

This is why I don’t “Zombie”.

Her limited acting ability and talent for wearing hot pants even work in the movie’s favor to some extent in The Devil’s Rejects, but she is just so bad in LoS on top of an uninteresting story that the few trippy visuals fail to have any impact for me.

What’s the old epigram about the bad actress who couldn’t convey a sense of falling if you pushed her out of a window? That’s Sheri Moon Zombie.