It's time to have a 2020 Presidential Election thread

Yeah. I just wish he was a little older with a little more experience. He looks like a well adjusted Nathan-For-You. His answers are pitch perfect IMO though!

It’s also the damage done to the Dems by 2010 and the gutting of the Dem bench.

Hard to say, but probably to some extent that’s true.

For me it’s important that a candidate demonstrates they can understand and distill new information quickly (and who surround themselves with quality advisors - this is an unknown of course) and so far I trust his capacity and grasp on the issues.

It’s also refreshing that he answers questions not only directly but in a way that isn’t alienating to the opposition. (I say this as someone entirely hostile to the opposition but I’m not a politician!)

He may be another all hat, no cattle politician from Texas, but Beto is pulling some pretty impressive crowds on his campaign swing through the midwest and into Pennsylvania.

For now at least, there’s something there…

Interesting hearing the comments about his sexuality.

My Colorado bubble just elected an openly gay Governor, and I can’t think of a single time it was brought up during the race - The GOP didn’t even remotely touch it.

Maybe that starts to take hold nationally.

Trump is a juvenile moron. If Buttigieg is able to somehow win the Democratic nomination, then Trump will be tweeting non-stop about his orientation along with his last name.

What beto’s got, that the other guys lack so far (maybe not Mayor Pete, I haven’t seem him speak enough), is energy.

He’s got a vibe that is much more in line with Obama than any of the other Democratic candidates. And that matters, a lot.

“Mayor Butt”

It’ll literally be Bart Simpson vs. Martin Prince

Yeah, he speaks with a conviction and energy that I don’t hear in a lot of other candidates.

He’s going to figure that with any candidate. You can’t really worry about it.

Uh oh, Beto’s a loser!

I like that tag line (“He couldn’t win a Senate seat. Now he wants to be leader of the free world”). I guess Mr. Thiessen never heard of A. Lincoln?

I have a policy of never clicking an article from Marc A. Thiessen. It’s a policy that has served me well. I can usually spot them from afar, but sometimes Hugh Hewitt goatse’s me by surprise.

I click on them to read the comments. I feel a bit guilty about giving him the click, though.

Works for me!

Dude, come on. Bart deserves better than that. Buttigieg deserves better than Martin too.

This is a little sub-optimal.

Key context: Sirota has made his career by RIPPING – and with vehemence – campaigns that were less than transparent about their processes and entanglements.

Bernie’s going to find out that being the front-runner isn’t as much fun as being the stalking horse, I think.

Bernie’s pretty much the “you must do as I say, not as I do” candidate. Sure, he hired a campaign consultant who worked for dictators (and was business partners with a guy who turned out to be a criminal), but it’s the other candidates who have dirty hands. Sure, he still somehow hasn’t gotten around to releasing his long-form tax returns after years and years of being asked, but it’s other candidates who aren’t transparent. Etc.

And here comes Grampy Joe, doin’ it old skool!

Oh Joe. I would miss you so much, if only you would actually go away.

Hmm, you know Bernie and Joe may not be very close on policy, but they could share the same theme song.

Bruce might actually let them use this one!