It's time to have a 2020 Presidential Election thread

Yeah, I don’t know how many times Lucy has to pull the football away. No matter what you say, the kids are not coming out. They have other things they care about.

I’m not sure why that would enrage Trump.

I do find it hilarious that I was previously mocked for saying Sanders being in the lead was negatively affecting the market though.

(Cue- “Good, he makes the fatcat billionaires afraid, blah blah blah.”)

Yeah winning over the punk rock demographic is admirable, but there are 2 problems:

  1. Punk is dead.
  2. They probably slept through the voting hours.

Maybe if Sanders promised to have the government vote for young people, so they don’t have to actually do anything, it would solve this problem in the future.

I don’t think of it with quite that much disdain. I remember being that age, and 20-something Oghier also had better things to do on most election days. You can’t convince me that the current generation of younger voters is unusual in that way.

If Warren is still in next Tuesday when I vote in Missouri, I’ll still vote for her. But if she’s no longer in, then I’ll vote for Biden I guess.

If 20-something Oghier had better things to do than vote, then 20-something Oghier shouldn’t have been expressing opinions on politics.

If they have better things to do than spend an hour going to a polling station once every 2-4 years, why should I listen to anything they have to say or take it seriously? As much as they rant and mash keys on the internet in between videogames and Netflix, it must not really matter that much to them if they can’t even make the effort to go actually execute. So if it doesn’t matter to them, why should their opinions matter to me?

Babbling about late-stage capitalism on Twitter is easy. Actually putting forth the tiny amount of effort to go use the tools you have to change things is apparently too hard.

The thing is Biden might know that such a deal will leave a legacy- a bad one.

Also, AOC might have a large enough squad to block such a deal.

I think maybe this is the thing… modern social media lets people voice opinions with essentially zero effort.

So this creates the impression that younger voters are engaged and committed. Because for their voices to be heard at all in the past, they actually had to be engaged and committed.

But as soon as you raise the requirement to non-zero effort, like actually having to go vote? That’s a bridge too far.

So you can’t build your candidacy around them.

Sanders hits the panic button and embraces Obama. I have a feeling he’s not going to get embraced back…

Fucking sellout.

Sanders was an idiot to attack Obama in the first place, but back then he thought he had an army coming out of nowhere to agree with him at the polls.

Beating a dead horse, but from my workplace slack this afternoon:


Well, Russian bots can only accomplish one of those two things, so I’m guessing the former is a little over-represented on reddit.

Do we actually know that the young people talking on Twitter didn’t vote? I mean all the twitter armies could easily represent 5% of the youth population, and 100% of them showed up and voted for Bernie.

“Hi Bernie. Remember when you wanted to primary me in 2012? LOL.”

That’s hilarious.

And not an isolated expression of that sentiment, either.

Hmm, maybe if you have that kind of money to burn, it’s better to produce a major motion picture about your candidacy, and hand $50m to an A-list actor to star in it.

Throw in a Netflix series just to cover your bases.

And a videogame series.

And a line of comic books.

And action figures.

You don’t fool me, @Gordon_Cameron! You just want a free Tom Steyer action figure!