Only if he’s wearing Bespin fatigues.
Crap analysis. In 2016, it was a two-person race while in 2020 the votes were split five ways… well, four to be honest.
During the NH primary, Chris Matthews trotted that out on MSNBC. “In 2016 he won 50%, now he’s only at 26%! He’s lost half his support!”. I turned to my wife and asked her if he was auditioning for a Fox News job. This was before his later crazy comments on Bernie, which didn’t help that suspicion!
At the beginning of this process, Bernie and Biden were at the bottom of my wishlist (remember Bloomberg wasn’t in the race last year), and now it’s a 2 person race between the two of them. Biden might have ended up in this situation through an exciting resurgence and some foresight from other candidates, but the end result is the same.
Oh well, I’ll support whichever extremely old guy gets the nomination, but damn it I wish any of the other more exciting candidates would have gone up against Trump.
I’m betting Warren won’t do well next Tuesday either, because success begets success.
On bright side, maybe now as a nation we can start better educating ourselves how to scrub down public spaces and better learn how to avoid Covid-19 in the coming months.
And many of the like viruses that came before it and will come after. Yes they vary but some habits should just be lifelong.
Interesting contrarian take.
Beats the hell out of “winner takes all”, imo.
Yeah, agreed. It’s okay for parties not to be unified immediately and for tallies to better reflect that which they are tallying.
Or maybe a global pandemic in which uninsured are collapsing in the streets, vis a vis scenes from China and Iran? Think that could do it?
Proportional delegates is simply better for anyone who doesn’t get money based on ratings.
My wife kept coming to me every few minutes with a breathless “Biden just won [STATE]!” announcement, following up on similar excited pronouncements by the news last night. After the third time she did this, I asked about percentages, and explained why “winning” wasn’t quite as important as the news made it out to be.
She gave me the stink-eye.
Not really. The right sees coronavirus as a good reason to keep out foreigners. Getting communist health care to combat communist diseases will not really occur to them, I’m guessing.
I’d just really like to put Bernie behind us and get a progressive who’s not 80, not at war with the party, and not prone to public statements that alienate entire states. That doesn’t seem like too much to ask.
Biden will get more done on climate change than Bernie could have, because Bernie has alienated every ally he needs to do anything at all. Biden may not get enough done, but something is better than nothing. I still wish these weren’t our choices.
Hm. I mean, it looks surmountable because it is surmountable. It’s just not very likely.
Winner take all is a little too snowbally. Maybe a hybrid, “proportional until this percentage” system would work better…I think some Republican primaries do that.
LOL yeah, let’s emulate the Republican process that resulted in Trump getting the nomination.
Sanders’ quotes on Castro were a terrible gaffe that would have gotten a lot of play in the general. They wouldn’t have cost him Florida or Cuban-Americans, because a) Cuban Americans are overwhelmingly Republican and b) it’s not because they care about Cuba first and foremost (from the article). They went +40 in Miami for the GOP over the Democratic candidate for governor. They were not and are not going to vote for Sanders, or Biden, or anybody with a (D).
…except for the young Cuban Americans, but we already know how that song goes.
My point is simply that I (and a lot of other folks that don’t support Sanders, I suspect) are not anti-progressive, we’re anti-Bernie. Specifically. His policy positions are not the problem, he is.
Looks like the Democratic party in the US really should be a couple of different parties at least, instead of what it apparently is, the !Republican party.
Yeah, but with first past-the-post voting a split would just render both parties incapable of winning an election and hand the country to the Republicans wholesale.
Well, this has to be driving the Orange-Hued One crazy: