It's time to have a 2020 Presidential Election thread

I actually feel better about it LV being inferred from those kinds of questions, rather than just being driven by a single question. So thanks!

Texas imo is a test case for turnout vs demographic shift, and is probably a case where things like the VP pick will drive GOP turnout.

Fairly or not but candidates like Stacey Abrams terrify conservatives and would drive them to negative voting, probably in a way that Warren would as well but Kamela Harris would not.

A Dem win in Texas is going to hinge on a lowering of GOP voter turnout as much as anything. Trump is obviously a buffoon but GOP voters really, really need an enemy to vote against to keep them motivated.

Seeing as how the VP pick could very well become our next-next president, I feel like they shouldn’t base their decision in large part on winning Texas. Although obviously it would be nice if their pick also happened to be the right fit there.

Yea, the lesson isn’t to taylor the VP pick to Texas but just to recognize the possibility of increasing negative turnout nationwide.

Demos aren’t going to convince anyone already on the Trump train to switch sides with the VP pick (unless the VP was an actual Republican, and even then i think they’d convince themselves against it), but they could motivate those voters to turn out.

Of course no matter who the Dems pick FOX and company are going to try and rally the peasants against the Dem pick regardless of who it is.

A true mensch. Of the highest quality.

So, no one is watching it?

So, Biden is a good enough guy that when he needs to be running around doing campaign events he’s taking the time to do a talk at a super-minor virtual conference on a condition near and dear to him.

At least that’s my takeaway.

With the world burning around him, Trump plays his ultimate card in his campaign against Biden. You can’t vote for Biden because it would be bad for TV ratings:

The takeaway is that Trump so dominates the news cycle anyway…but if we were not on lockdown, Biden speaking at a conference – regardless of how small the group is – would be news.

And yet there’s no coverage on this.

I said not for the first or the last time, I so look forward when we’re no longer subjected to this imbecilic asshole.

If people aren’t distracted by me, the proles will start demanding actual, expensive societal change. - Trump.

(Do I put quotes if it’s a fake madeup quote?)

Personally, in cases like that, I use quotation marks but leave the attribution implied by the context.

I watched about 10 minutes of it, it was pretty dull. Let’s face it in world were even those of us who use to be able to concentrate for hours on book, game, or writing code, can’t go 10 minutes without checking our phones or the internet, Trump’s tweets are lot more compelling.

That’s not really the point at all.

The point is: in a normal election cycle, news networks would have carried some story if it were a live speech or roundtable – even if just to mention that it occurred and to show a clip.

Look at DJT trying to pick off a blue state.

Is your hypothesis that because the events were virtual the news media isn’t covering them?

Perhaps, but I’m not sure they would in 2020. There is a lot more interesting news going on and ratings have always mattered. I’ll agree they would at least have had a clip 10 second clip of the speech, probably featuring Emily Blunt. The NY Times would have run a headline on page 6, “Emily Blunt host event for stutters, Biden attends.” I think what’s happened is that reporters assigned to cover the Biden campaign, after having to spend hours going to the event would have felt compelled to write something about it in earlier campaigns. I’m just not sure that editors in 2020 would bother to print it or broadcast it as a lead story.

Spread the map.


Yes. But it isn’t my hypothesis. It’s part of evidence compiled by people who are paid money to watch media for things like time given to politicians and political parties.

The three major news networks would typically cover a live speech by a presumptive Democratic nominee, particularly if it were one of two speeches he gave that particular week.
