Jeffrey Epstein did some bad bad things

“I prefer children who weren’t trafficked”

As if republicans would care if Trump raped a child. You guys are living in another country. They’d celebrate it.

“Everybody does it!” “It’s old news!”

Well Moore didn’t actually win, so it would seem some of them do care…

Dear everybody,

I apologize for bollocks-ing the order of posts in this thread. It was an amateur moderation mistake and I vow never to repeat it.


“Those responsible have been sacked.”

This looks like a bad story for some Vanity Fair folks…

That whole thread is worth reading. Some other highlights (or lowlights):

Yeah, it’s a dumpster fire.

Don’t need binders full of women when you’ve got CDs full of girls. So gross.

Give him time to attempt to bargain his charges to prevent life in prison. He will take some names down with him, I’m sure of it.

lol, this dude had a bunch of child porn AFTER he had already been convicted… They are gonna be writing new books to throw at this guy.

And he’s gonna be taking other folks down with him, I suspect (hope).

Maybe he can use some of his money to build a comfy private prison and get sent there.

Epstein is the epitome of “too powerful to go down.”

If he doesn’t get another sweetheart plea deal, and he gets convicted, and he doesn’t get pardoned, he will go to a minimum security prison for a very short amount of time.

This shit has gone on for nearly 30 years and nobody had the balls to take him on. Justice will not be served, I am sure of that.

I’m not holding my breath that he names names. His money and connections got him off last time and now Trump is President and Barr heads the Department of Justice. He has no motivation to cooperate or to implicate people who could pull strings for him.

Years of trials with him on bail followed by minimum hand-slap detention and then he’ll have all his money to spend as much time offshore with children as he likes before dying.

I think he’s gonna shoot himself 17 times in the back.

Barr has recused himself from the case:

Well that and the fact that Barr’s dad gave Epstein his first job even though he wasn’t qualified for it - I’m sure we’ll find lots more ties between the Barr family and Epstein.

The good news is that Barr won’t be able to keep Epstein investigators from sniffing around Trump. Meaning expect Barr to hit Donnie’s shit list just like Sessions did.

Couldn’t happen to a sleazier guy.