Jeffrey Epstein did some bad bad things

yeah, that photo should be the end of any normal politician. can you even imagine the fox ‘news’ frenzy if you replace trump with obama in that pic?

That photo is a bad photoshop.

A great twitter account to follow is @hoaxeye He’s a dude in Finland who does amazing research to verify – or debunk – viral photos and videos

Ken White goes into detail on why Epstein’s proverbial goose is very likely cooked this time:

So it turns out Barr has recused himself from anything related to Acosta giving Epstein a sweetheart deal in 2009 - but not from the more recent NY charges:

Not sure it matter re: pissing Donnie off, since the biggest headache from this for Trump (at the moment) is Acosta.

Wouldn’t Barr’s reason for recusal apply just as much to the recent charges? Namely, his personal relationship to Epstein?

So, apparently lots of “people” online are now defending Epstein because a 14 year-old got paid for being raped.
You see she’s a hooker, so it’s fine.

they hate the job creators

It’s called Libertarianism. How dare the government oppress pre-teens by stopping them from selling their bodies?

Epstein only committed thousands of cases of child abuse and sex trafficking before Trump broke up with him!

When Epstein abused that 10,000th girl, Trump manned up and said, “The line must be drawn HERE!
This far, no further!”

I mean, Trump’s still in love with Kim Jong-Un, whose crimes make Epstein look like a choirboy, so…

will the damage be contained

From Gawker comment:

“I can assure you that, when it comes to past sexual relations with underage children, the President stuck strictly to his own daughter as to not pollute the pure bloodline.”

Also, there’s a Trump Tweet for anything!

As always, if DJT does it he doesn’t see anything wrong in it. If someone else does what DJT does, they are ‘sick puppies’ and worse.

Seems normal

Yeah, but that was before DJT was ‘not a fan’.

I’m sure Mags will use her 27-year old scoop as evidence of how tough she is on Trump.

Epstein signed a non-prosecution agreement in the Southern District of Florida, which differs from a plea deal. In a plea deal, you admit to certain conduct, generally in exchange for a reduced sentence. In a non-prosecution agreement, there is no admission of guilt and no finding by a court that you are guilty of a crime. If he had entered into a plea deal governing his conduct, and been sentenced on the basis of that plea deal, he’d have a valid double jeopardy claim.

Since he signed a non-prosecution agreement, he doesn’t have the same argument. Absent a plea deal, double jeopardy only attaches once a jury has been impaneled. The Southern District of New York is free to try him for any conduct within the statute of limitations (of which there is none for sex trafficking of a minor occurring 2000 or later, thanks to changes in federal law).

There are a bunch of cool criminal procedure issues here if you are the right kind of nerd. They all happen to come out against Epstein here though, under well established law.

Given the evidence they claimed to have uncovered, Epstein is going away for a long time. He will do major time just for the child pornography charges that will likely arise from the search of his Manhattan townhome, even if he were able to somehow weasel out of the sex trafficking charges.

He will need a pardon or some serious misconduct in the DOH to get out of this, and I can’t imagine that the DOJ, even under Barr, is willing to take the heat that would come from screwing up this case, given the publicity. Trump, on the other hand, could do anything—by which I mean could pardon Epstein for the federal crimes. New York state would likely have something to say about Epstein’s alleged crimes in their jurisdiction, however, and wouldn’t be bound by a presidential pardon for state law crimes.