Joe the Plumber is a dumbass who can go fuck himself

Joe “the Plumber” Wurzelbercher’s finally decided to give an interview to Fox News and he talks about how “a vote for Obama is a vote for the Death of Israel” and no doubt millions of Jews. When questioned why, he says you don’t wanna hear it from him (because the facts are scary) and that he encourages everyone to ‘go out there and look for the information.’ Repeatedly. In a display of good journalistic behaviour typically alien to Fox News, Shep Smith takes none of his shit and grills him on exactly what the hell he means by that.

Cue righteous indignation from every idiot Republican who watched the video.

Fuck this idiot.

Why is “Joe the Plumber” still relevant?

Good question. At the Palin rally in Northern VA on Monday, they had “Sam the Builder” or some such - so you can see they are expanding the metaphor!

(I saw a guy in a yellow hard hat and orange construction vest right by the stage in a photo a co-worker showed me. When I asked what was going on, that’s what he told me).

Because he’s giving interviews now. And in each and every one of them he’s talking shit about Obama and how Obama’s dangerous for Jews and Israel.

Why would “Joe the Plumber” care about the Jews or Israel? Israel has a history of taking care of itself against its aggressive neighbours (it helps to have a large arsenal of nukes).

He only cares because the McCain campaign told him to care. It’s to get all those old Floridian Jews to come out and vote for the Republicans. They wanna get their numbers up so what better way to do it than to scare the shit out of old people?

He’s probably talking about this:

“We did not write this letter to scare you,” the Republican Party of Pennsylvania assures 75,000 in-state Jewish voters in an e-mail sent out Oct. 23. But “in the 5,769 years of our people, there has never been a more important time for us to take pro-active measures in order to stop a second Holocaust.”

Does Joe the Plumber mention that 2 of the 3 signatories have disavowed the letter? or that the GOP strategist who created it has been fired?

Also, why the fuck would anyone care what Joe the Plumber says about foreign policy? Isn’t he the symbol of how Obama’s tax policy would keep him from making more that $250,000/year? This is some bad messaging.

He’s campaigning for McCain because he’s deluded himself into thinking that he’s gonna run for Senate.

Perhaps Sen. McCain would consider him a potential Secretary of State?

That dude who got fired took one for the team. They gotta show that they’re being fair and balanced, after all. Once the damage is done, that is.

On behalf of the West Coast liberal Jews, let me just say:

Joe The Plumber, shut the fuck up, you meshugenah putz. We will take care of ourselves, after raising our Manischewitz wine in salute to President Obama.

Joe the Plumber is probably one of the 20% or so of Americans who believe the end times are at hand, and Revelation says that the Jews must have their own nation for the end times to commence. Of course evangelical Christians don’t care about the Jews: they support Israel in the hopes that Jesus will return in their lifetimes, whisk them away to Heaven, and brutally torture and slaughter the unbelievers.

B’ezrat hashem.


They should all be talking about Joe the Lumber!

What is that!? Some sort of terrorist fist bump thing?

I’m going to ask Joe the Plumber. He knows man.

Is Joe a Jew?

He’s not a dumbass, he’s an oppurtunist. The odds of outdoing his income owning his own plumbing business by being an icon of the right are pretty high. Who cares about a tax hike for the folks making over 250K if you’re now making a few mil? He’s doing no more and no less damage than all the other folks who will say whatever it takes to make a buck.

I think you’re affording him too much credit. What kind of money is he going to make from this?

If he is, we don’t want him. Give us Jon Hamm* and a future pick and we’ll call it a day.

*Winner: celebrity name least likely to get the hechsher of the Orthodox Union

Maybe Joe will make fat stacks of cash this year by schilling for the right. Maybe he was totally justified in worrying about making over $250K.

I wonder if this is a boon or a bane for his plumbing business.