Joker - Origin movie with Joaquin Phoenix

I’m not misremembering the original Batman movie with Nicholson as the Joker that it was actually the Joker who killed Bruce Wayne’s parents, right?

If I were writing the Joker origin movie, that’s where I’d end it.

Edit - reading Wikipedia confirms this, but it’s an interesting circumstance that I don’t think I ever realized before. The Joker, as Jack Napier, basically creates Batman by killing his parents, and then Batman creates the Joker by dropping Napier in toxic goop much later.

It’s definitely not the Joker in the comics, though. I think they just wanted to condense the massive cast of supporting characters for movies.

Right now I’m watching Death Wish (1974 version) to prepare for this movie. Not enough clowns though.

Yeah, don’t waste your time on the Bruce Willis remake, it is dreadful.

Feels like Psycho.

I could sort of imagine an extended montage of several successful heists set to loud music, then the movie ending with a cut to Phoenix ominously smiling and having a good time. I don’t think they need to spend a huge amount of time on the actual heists since we’ve seen all that in comics, cartoons, etc. I think the trailer is already set up this way.

Phoenix is an obvious choice for this character, but I worry he is maybe too self-indulgent. In Walk the Line (another obvious casting choice due to his looks) it was a little too easy to separate actor from character. I wasn’t totally “sold” on him being Johnny Cash. OTOH, that movie came out years ago, and the Joker is a self-indulgent character.

“We didn’t follow anything from the comic-books, which people are gonna be mad about,” the writer-director tells Empire . “We just wrote our own version of where a guy like Joker might come from. That’s what was interesting to me. We’re not even doing Joker, but the story of becoming Joker. It’s about this man.”

Maybe he’s just blowing smoke for the interview, but seriously how can anybody be excited for yet another goddamned origin story.

It’s all about laying the groundwork for future origin stories about different characters.

Well if there’s an audience who are really chill about wanton violations of and disregard for their fictional universes, it’s definitely comic fans.

I am also concerned that he’s just blowing smoke in the interview, but because I actually want what he’s describing and I expect the reality will be boring and safer.

I hope this fails spectacularly to nip this trend in the bud.

Not just comic fans. Remember the To Kill a Mockingbird prequel/sequel/whatever caused quite a stir.

Haha… even worse, future origin stories about the same character (i.e. Spider-man).

They already did 3+ different-yet-similar origin stories for Spider-man in a single movie.

Which is IMHO the best Spider-man movie ever made. So there’s that.

True, but that was clearly a deliberate joke. They all, including the first one, started with “Let’s do this one last time…”

Well, it was a lot more than a deliberate joke. The similarities between the different stories are actually closely related to how the movie progresses, and to the underlying theme in it. They did that wonderfully well.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that origin stories are not the problem. How you do them is the problem. ;)

Mostly because the author never wanted it published and the trustees of her estate exploited her incipient dementia to make a buck on it.

Much like how the cruel and heartless filmmakers behind this project exploited The Joker’s aggressively deteriorated mental state to get the movie off the ground. If he were fully in control of his own mental facilities, I’m confident he’d never really want us to know how he got those scars :-(
