Joker - Origin movie with Joaquin Phoenix

WB’s corporate board looking at the money Marvel movies are pulling in.

Definitely looking forward to it, although it doesn’t seem like something I can take the kids to watch, so it’ll have to wait until it hits Amazon or Netflix.

I didn’t ask for it necessarily, but I like seeing movie studios try something different with the extremely oversaturated super hero/villain genre. I’d much rather watch this instead of another Batman/Superman action movie reboot.

While Phoenix looks and acts like an amazing version of the character in this preview, and it is suitably creepy, a movie about a villain only works if you actually have a hero, otherwise you’re going in there only to come out miserable, or worse.

For god’s sake DC, just tell a great Batman story and leave it at that! Stop beating around the Batman bush!

If they spread the story across multiple movies, I don’t see why this necessarily needs to be the case. I mean, I can think of at least one series where the “Empire” did manage to “Strike Back”.

I don’t personally feel like a movie needs to conclude on a positive note to be worth watching. There’s no shortage of movies where the Joker gets his ass kicked if that’s what you’re looking for. Not sure where the story arc is going on this one, but that unpredictability alone is appealing to me.

But when does he fall into the vat of chemicals?

That’s not at all what I’m saying. An entire film of creating evil isn’t something I want to go see. I suspect that’s true of a lot of moviegoers, which means this will come nowhere near being as successful as they’ll want it to be.

And on the flip side I’d be totally down for a dark, bleak movie that turns away most moviegoers, but I suspect this won’t go too far for the same reason: why would the studio make that?

Because a diversity of stories, themes and artistic expression is more important than the bottom line?


Same! I had to end the teaser trailer early because I felt like I’d already seen enough to want to watch it, and I generally steer clear of Marvel/DC movies these days. Consider me teased.

Him being with his mother made me think of You Were Never Really Here and then that made me think of I’m Still Here.

I think a villain-only origin story can be done well - see Breaking Bad, but it’s really really hard, and we have to be able to relate in some way with the villain. I guess Falling Down would be a decent analog, but it didn’t do well at all and I personally didn’t like it, even though I appreciated what they were doing.

Yeah, I agree with some of you guys here. From the trailer,

  • There’s and 80% chance that the movie will end 5 seconds after him becoming a villain.

  • There’s also a 99% chance that his mom will die during the movie.

If they’re dumb, she’s going to die murdered by his son or in some random tragedy. If they’re smart, she’s going to die because she’s denied health care in some bureaucratic fashion by Batman’s dad.

Maybe we will finally find out how he got those scars. They’ve been teasing it for over a decade.

I wouldn’t mind seeing a movie where the Clown Prince of Crime pulls down some minor capers before the police nab him.

I mean, I’d really like to see a Gotham Central movie. I never watched enough Gotham: The Show to see if they went in that direction.

I don’t get this perspective on the teaser. The trailer implies him doing villainous things in multiple shots, and there’s also two shots where a crowd of people wearing clown masks (presumably his fans after the Joker perhaps does something violent to someone who deserved it) are protesting or agitating against police. How boring would a comic book movie be if noone does anything?

It’ll be like every comic book origin story movie: it shows the hero/villain before they became that way, it shows how they got to be that way, it shows them struggling in their new role as hero/villain and making other amateur mistakes, and then their first major conflict and victory against something.

I really don’t get the whole ‘I don’t want to watch a movie about a fucked-up dude doing fucked-up shit’ attitude. I mean, have you ever seen Taxi Driver? Which, judging from the trailer, this movie is pulling heavily from, based on the style/setting- “Here is a man who would not take it any more”, indeed. And sure, we’ve already seen that somewhat with Rorschach in The Watchmen, but he was one of the most compelling characters in there, regardless of whether you liked him or not. Why not do a whole movie about that?

I get not wanting to watch that kind of movie. I don’t get the “you shouldn’t make that kind of movie” attitude.

This too, is one of those.

I’m all over this. This has the potential to work as a movie about how we’re all easily-programmable meatsacks who can justify awful avenging atrocities when it all comes down to it. Hero/villain - don’t care, just make me identify.

Or it’ll be a film by the director of the Hangover movies.

I like the atmosphere in this trailer and if anyone could pull off Joker, it’d be Joaquin.

This trailer projects something will happen to his mother which will push him completely over the edge. Did his mother factor in the comics/his origin story? I don’t recall.