Just Cause 4

This really is a lot of fun, just the range of things to do while zipping about. You want a tomb explored - sure thing, zeppelins brought down, why not, tanks hijacked, well I was in the neighbourhood.

I like the mechanism of pushing friendly control across the map too. More games with big maps should have systems that apply at the world level, instead of just scattering encounters over it.

I finished the base game on Xbox One. Enjoyed it for what it was, although some of the missions were repetitive. I didn’t like the Demons DLC and stopped there.

Still liking it. Random thoughts…

It’s interesting to compare it to Ghost Recon: Breakpoint which was the last open world shooter I played. It really shows how empty that game was when you’re hijacking fighter jets, jet skis and dirigibles in this.

I love how when you start up, you start instantly. It does the load of your last save as part of starting up. Hooray. All SP games should do this.

It’s interesting how little role there is for things there were hyped up a bit pre-release - the wacky stuff with the grapple and the weather effects.

It’s also a really nice driving game. Driving through the cool landscapes in first person, with very forgiving handling, is a lot more engaging than the grapple/parachute/wingsuit journeys I had been doing. I wish they’d doubled down on that - races, first person weapons in the cars, an ability to look round a bit in first person, first person in the aircraft… Maybe for JC5 :)

This is fun, but it keeps freezing / crashing on me. Anyone else having that issue? I’ve had two freezes over a few hours of play, with the first being five minutes into the game. I updated video drivers and the temp is a constant 77C.

I’ve had one freeze in many hours - flipping back to the desktop fixed it though.


And now it’s $13.63 on Steam for Complete which has everything, 11.88 for Gold (which seems to contain a lot of what Complete has) and $7.68 for Reloaded which is probably what Epic gave us for free (though I’d have to check).

Hmm, played a bit of this yesterday and noticed to my chagrin that every time I start it up my graphics settings are reset down to 1280x720 with v-sync on instead of twice that res with v-sync off. Pretty annoying.