Kerbal Space Program

Yeah it certainly could use more features in the design phase. The auto staging is not good. The only thing I can think of is it make a save of every variation. But redoing the upper structure is a real pain and there’s no way around it.

Is this one of the new features added with last nights update? Because I don’t see it . . .

Yes it is.

I still have version 8.0 and it’s not seeing the update to 8.2. What am I doing wrong? :(

It’s on the website. Just go download it.

I started on last night’s version, and I didn’t figure out that the circle thing in the upper left had that function until building about 15 unsuccessful designs over the period of two hours. As soon as I figured that thing out (oh, and pressing “T” before takeoff), I was able to -almost- get into space.

So, if you’re wondering, there is a circle with a dot in it in the upper left of the construction area. Click on it to cycle through many symmetry options.

The only thing it needs now is “snapping” engine heights to attached engines’ heights. The symmetry tool makes sure that all newly placed engines are the same height, but in the case of attaching 4-5 engines around a center engine, it’s very difficult to make sure the new ones are lined up height-wise with the center one. Which I’m sure introduces a lot of instability.

yeah not quite finding the window for low earth orbit. I just can’t control this thing. I do like how the stars and ‘kerbyway’ stand out more as you get further from the planet.

I ripped off a forum design and am having my best success by far. Over 3500km and a speed still near 2500m/s after topping out at over 3200m/s. Not sure I’m going to make orbit or not, but this was my first try with this design and I made mistakes.

Stage 1 is six liquid rockets (wrapped around stage 3), each with two fuel tanks and a SAS module. Stage 2 is six solid rockets on top of the stage 1 rockets, again with each having an SAS module. Stage 3 is the core rocket, liquid with five fuel tanks and an SAS on top of that, then the crew module. The whole thing is very stable.

Edit: Made it to 4250k+ with speeds around 2300m/s but my vertical velocity was till too high. I didnt really level off when I should have to escape orbit, but it looks like I could have had I known what I was doing.

After all the time I spent messing around with the game yesterday and today, that design is so simple and easy to put together that I feel like an idiot. ;-)

Funnily enough after the last patch that rocket no longer works, it just kind of falls to pieces on the launch pad. However, removing the first stage it will get around 5km/s. It’s actually a really simple design:

If anyone hasn’t, download the component packs. The high capacity fuel tank is just plain cheating.


EDIT 2: I totally wasn’t paying attention to the trajectory when I took those. The Kerbals are currently heading straight for the sun at 6000 m/s

The kerbal in the middle always looks like he’s having a great time.

I’m having a hard time getting a stable orbit. I’ve managed to orbit the planet a few times, but I have to keep adjusting my speed. And I’ve just run out of fuel…

He needs to make the stages less tedious to review and manipulate.

Version 0.8.4 is up for download at the KSP site. Supposedly it fixes some issues with the symmetry tool and some other bugs according to what I read on the KSP forum.

The site is loading incredibly slow for me so YMMV.

Where are these packs you speak of?

2nd page of this thread.

I didn’t get the ball-module-thing in either of my two packs… hmm? Oh, and how can you tell if you’ve made orbit or if you’re escaping orbit? And there’s no way to speed up time, is there? And no re-entry burn-up yet I guess?

So many interesting options for these developers (orbital paths to try and follow, etc), good on them.

I just want to say that I love this game already, even though I have get to get even remotely close to out of the atmosphere.

They are putting out new builds almost daily, so if nothing else you’ll probably want to follow the blog to keep up with everything.

Hmm… can I call you a dirty little cheater? :P
If I build this rocket it doesn’t have enough thrust to get off the ground. I have to remove at least 4 fuel tanks for it to take off at maximum thrust levels.

My current record is 5112 m/s, with a similar (albeit a bit smaller) base rocket, but three solid fuel booster stages around it (one underneath, two on the side with side couplers).

/Edit: Ohh… the couplers on the very bottom somehow circumvent the high thrust needs for take off… hmm…
And even so, I only reach 3500 m/s with that one. The second last stage (the one with three fuel tanks) doesn’t have enough thrust to really accelerate itself and top stage (with two fuel tanks) when I try it. Half its fuel is wasted while barely acellerating by another 100m/s, and the remaining half brings me to ~1000 m/s. Not enough for the last stage to get near 5k.

There’s a bug that sometimes causes certain rockets to get stuck to the pad. Sticking decouplers on the bottom prevents the bug from happening. That’s probably what you were experiencing.