Kerbal Space Program

In stock career mode, when you scan the surface, does it auto show the entire biome map of the planet? Or did they change that since a few years ago where the satellite only shows you what you’ve passed over?

Trying to decide if I need this mod for my stock career:

There are now two scan the surfaces… There is the ore one, which I do think is all or none. And then there is Kerbnet… which is a different beast. Then again, if this is vanilla… whatchoo talkin bout jp? =)

Errr, just you know. I… I can quit at any time you know?

But just one more… yea one more and I’ll be fine.

There are 3 scanners:

  • The M700 does a survey of the whole planet in one go. It is low resolution, and the data has to be uploaded to KSC via antenna. It must be in a relatively low, stable, polar orbit to work.
  • The M4435 does a detailed scan of what is directly below it. In order to show up on the map overlay, you have to have done the M700 survey first.
  • The Surface Scanner is used when you’ve actually landed on the surface. I believe it scans a whole biome and basically increases the detail and resource information available on the orbital scans.

For new players, any must have mods considering the current state of the game? I have this and would like to play it, but if there are any QoL mods that are a must, please let me know. Much appreciated!

I want KSP + Satisfactory.

KSP as a factory game would be awesome. A space elevator! Building up economies of scale throughout the solar system! It would add a real gameplay element to the sandboxyness of KSP.

At this point, I don’t think there are any. If you’re a beginner, by the time you need some of the QoL mods, you’ll know what you need. (For example, I think DPAI is awesome for docking, but people typically don’t do docking until they’ve played the game for a couple of dozen hours.) I’d say just boot it up and work your way through the tutorial scenarios. They’re pretty good.

Why aren’t my parachutes going on straight and flush? This is practically pure Stock KSP with no parts addons:

See how it’s slanted off the right side a bit?

Also how do I switch to watching my booster fall when I’m in my capsule falling back to Kerbin? And then switch back again?

Not sure about the chutes. What snap mode do you have turned on?

Left and right brackets ("[" and “]”) switch between vessels.

hit “C” to turn on the proper snap mode. That will help…

Thanks! Snap mode was off by default. So weird.

Anyone want to help me out? I need to get 2 people into orbit, but am stuck with just 30 parts and 18 ton weight. I’ve researched the entire 4th node of the tech tree (if you include the first node with just 1 item as a node as well). If you have a design that can do this please let me know. I’ve done many hours on it and still can’t do it.

But, seriously, what is the problem. You just need two Kerbals to orbit Kerbin? Is that all? What part is failing for you, are they not achieving orbit or are you not able to have two passengers?

Possibly stupid question: Are you doing the gravity turn?

I am doing the gravity turn.

The issues is very low weight and low part count. I guess I can just save up money so I can unlock more weight. But I was trying to see if I could do this with those restrictions. I end up just barely short of achieving orbit at this weight. So no part is failing me per say.

According to x Science I can still get a lot of Science when “splashed down” at different biomes. I don’t understand this. Is this somehow different than when I landed my crappy looking lander there and got science (it says I haven’t gotten any science from being splashed down in different biomes)?


One thing I semi-abuse (not really, I think you’re intended to do this) in career mode is accepting missions to get the advance payment, and using that money to upgrade facilities. I’d have to go back and check to see if I reached orbit with a low weight/parts rocket.

The other thing I often do is build a rocket-car (basically a wingless plane) to go prospecting for local science so that I can unlock the more “efficient” parts, which matters when part-count is an issue.

The other thing for early, low part rockets if you’re using solid fuel is to make sure you reduce the stages thrust by right clicking on the part in the VAB. I don’t remember the exact TWR target, but when pulled out of the parts menu they’re over thrusting at default.

I usually do upgrade the landing site, which I think is only 75k and then you have the 30 part issue, but the 18T issue goes away, and its easy then.

Ohhh that’s good to know!

Which would these be?

I accidentally blew up Jebediah yesterday morning grrrr. Since I can have them come back, will he be back with all his experience?