Kickstarting and Screaming

@BrianRubin were you the Big Boss backer? :)

I wish.

I’ve actually played an early copy of Everspace 2 and it’s AMAZING. I so hope it reaches the finish line.

Looks like they reached goal in the last big push over the last 48 hours. I look forward to playing this in a few years.

I can’t tell if planets are 3D or just backdrops. Can anyone tell me?

Oh look, a new board game I’d like to own. Since I have nobody to play it with I’ll settle for listening to a @tomchick Boardgame podcast or Youtube video about it after it’s inevitably overfunded and released.


Well folks, here it is - as promised back when the OGRE kickstarter was getting going, now we’ve got Car Wars Sixth Edition up for funding:

Woo hoo! I’m in! I’ve been looking forward to this for quite a while. Looking forward to teaching my son the game.

Already over 2.5 times more than the funding limit… on the first day… Pretty crazy.

FYI, today is a good day to back this, since there are one day only levels that give free access to an extra $15 add-on.

Ugh. I played Car Wars in the 80ies, enjoyed it and have been tempted at times to get a new edition to play with my kids. But not at those prices.

Guess I’ll get Gaslands and some Hot Wheels to play vehicular warfare instead.

Yeah, the prices seem really high. You have to spend $140 just to get the game + miniatures pack + playmat.

The $75 base is all you really need to play the game. Heck, probably the lower tier is enough, just lacking some goodies.

For $75 dollars, I could get the Gaslands rule book ($15-20), 4 or 5 toy cars and quite a few additional scenery components (though those are optional and you can use cans, boxes, …)

Saw this left weekend at a convention, and it really made me want to play some tabletop vehicular warfare.

I enjoy playing Vindication so much that I am fairly well disposed towards Orange Nebula. So this KS launching in 10 days is definitely on my watch list.

No real gameplay info yet. But they are great at making a euro feel immersive. So I hope this game will have an equally engaging setting.

The recent update on Sleeping Gods makes me happy:

Crew members as characters. An early design goal I made was for the crew members to be presentin the storybook. I wanted them to have their own dialogue, back stories, and personalities. One of the biggest inspirations for starting this project was my love of Baldur’s Gate 2, a computer role-playing game released in 2000. One thing I love about the game is that the characters you recruit speak their minds as you explore the world and interact with the people and creatures in it. They even say things to each other at random moments and have little conversations. I wanted to bring something like that to Sleeping Gods. The crew members have lots of dialogue in the storybook

That’s the kind of inspiration I can get behind. The update also gives some interesting info on the design challenges compared to Ryan Laukat’s other games.

It’s not games, but it turns out the Coolest Cooler debacle has finally reached its conclusion:

So wait , how are they still selling the coolers on their site for 60% off?

Holy shit. Backers get $20 back from their original $180 pledge. And that’s after the Oregon DoJ stepped in.

The coolers they’re dumping in this firesale appear to be a different, scaled-down model from the cooler that was offered on Kickstarter.

Company’s folding. They are lucky to be getting that.

My takeaway is never pay $200 for a cooler. Especially one that isn’t ready yet.

Wow. I had no idea it went to wrong. I loved the original pitch video and would have bought one, but I live in the UK and I don’t think it would have been worth it for the 2 weeks of hot weather we get.

When you have $13m how could manufacturing a cooler be so difficult?