Langrisser Mobile is Awesome

If I am understanding the Valentines banner correctly, the following is true:

  1. If I pull an SSR, I get a token. The SSR I pull determines my next course of action, theoretically.

  2. Let’s say I pull one of Leon/Lana or Listell/Landius. I can then take 50 shards of any of the 3 couple characters and go into the weird magical store thingy that will appear and exchange the token + those shards for Elwin. As I have Tiaris currently, that means I need to farm up 50 of her shards for the banner.

  3. If I instead pull Elwin, I can then consider using 50 shards + Token on Leon. But I sitll need to farm up the 50 Tiaris shards in this scenario.

How does one farm up shards anyway? I know I can get them for some bond missions which I can then sweep once a day for more shards. But that’s. . . a lot of missions I need to do. Like I should start doing that today especially if I can’t get her shards from all of the Bond missions (or get them guaranteed).

The only other method I know of would be continuing to use Trinity summons (althoygh I want to save up) and hope for Tiaris shards, but that’s low probability and seems like a poor strategy, especially since I need to save up for the Valentine banner anyway.

You have just figured the reason why some of us have been playing this silly thing for months!

From what I’ve read, you can only exchange Leon tokens for Lana, Lana tokens for Leon, Elwin tokens for Liana, Liana tokens for Elwin etc.

Your Tiaris tokens can’t be exchanged for anything unfortunately. Since I think you don’t have any of the 6 heroes, the benefit to you is that you are guaranteed both heroes if you can roll 2 SSRs on their banner (ie. if you get Elwin + dupe Elwin, you can exchange dupe Elwin for Liana.)

(IMHO You should still be grinding those Tiaris shards every day - she’s frustrating at 4* and amazing at 5*)

Ugh. I was thinking Tiaris the entire time I typed “Liana” (as in, Tiaris is paired with Elwin). Derp.

Is it confirmed we’re getting valentine’s day? I think people aren’t sure yet.

We’ll get it on Valentine’s Day next year if the game is still around is my very educated guess.

Yeah, no one knows for sure but it seems like there’s a good chance of it.

That’s how you hedge… by not defining what you mean by “it” :p

Ha :) Well I’m betting on it happening, I’m already training royal calvary in anticipation of Landius…

I thought I read that you can exchange any shards from a hero who participated in the Valentine’s event for and there hero in the same event.

So you can exchange Leon shards for Elwin. Not just Liana.

Hm, that doesn’t jive with what I’ve read, but I guess we’ll see!

< gripe>So my last accessories have been Star Earrings/True Cross /True Cross/True Cross/Star Earrings/Elven belt/Elven belt< /gripe> Grrr

There was a whole thread about it on Reddit a couple weeks ago, but I very well could have misunderstood the explanation

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•Posted by


8 days ago

Lovers’ Banner Preview - Get Ready for Those Shards


The lover’s banner will come after TitS Leonhardt & Renne banner.

CN service time: 14th Feb 2019 (from 14th Feb to 20th Feb.)

TW service time: 4th April 2019

Match to global time: Late July, after TitS second chapter Leonhardt&Renne banner.

Three couples (three banners):

Leon & Lana, Landius & Listell, Elwin & Hein Liana

Thank you Zlongames. If you already have shards of those ones, once you pull one character, you can have a special “CP” token to let you do the exchange in the lover’s event page.

50 shards + CP token = 60 shards

Sweeping shards of those characters if you already have. Do not go to a higher star, then you can have the opportunity to have his/her love.

For example,

  1. You already have 3 stars Leon and 50 Leon shards. Save those 50 Leon shards, do not level up Leon to 4 stars, and wait to the lovers banner. Once in the Leon&Lana banner you pull one Lana, you can exchange your previous 50 Leon shards to 60 Lana shards.
  2. You have 3to5 stars Elwin and 50 Elwin shards before. Have 3to5 stars Landius or Listell. Then you pull one Landius or Listell from their lover’s banner. Since you get the CP token from Landius&Listell banner, you can still do the exchange for 60 Liana shards by using 50 Elwin shards you have before and the new CP token.

Edit: add a banner vid from TW service:

This guy does not have Landius, but he pulls two Listells. Thus he now has two CP tokens. Then he uses his 50 Liana shards to get 60 Elwin shards.

I need some reddit and arena experts help.
I have just fought what I think is one my weirdest battles yet. The team was pretty standard on the opposite side: Leon, Cherie, Tiaris, Vargas, Bozel, standard PVE focused player trying to put a defense up.
What wasn’t standard though was his lancer Vargas. 4k health, 236 def, nice lava titans, but no faction buff.
I wasn’t able to get past him.
First my debuffed 700 atk Altemuller went, foolishly. He inflicted 2k on Lava Titan’s, fine, I should have paid attention.
Now my 1200 soldier Vargas goes, inflicting him… 5k? Uh, that’s a bit weird.
Well this is it! Let’s send a chivalrying Leon against the now soldier-less Vargas. First, it reads 10850 dmg to the soldier-less Vargas, which is quite low but expected if I get a kill… but somehow I don’t: Vargas is still there, standing with 473 health.

The last time I got this sort of wtf is when I was introduced to the terrifiying Odin’s Helm, but this… I just don’t know what went on.
What sort of gears manage to pull this?

… 236 def…

Did you just miss Vargas using his Superhuman Bravery to resurrect with some health?

Watched it again, nope. Just a crazy resilient Vargas (that’s usual) with an uncanny low def (that’s very unusual, I wonder how it even got this low!).

Ok, account level 47. Briefly lets’ talk gear.

The SSR star upgrade mats come at level 50 or 55? I have two epic martial spirits currently. I have two rare martials as well IIRC. I can get more of both just haven’t purchased anything yet (sitting on a nice pile of ores).

I have LK and Frostrend and 40/5* of course. The Crystal Orb for Tiaris is 5* as well. Ledin armor (dragonscale) is 5*/40. Nothing else is this high (I thinkElwin has a level 30 SR weapon but whatever).

Now I know I get stuff back when I alchemy. Still, looking at the following gears, I wonder where I should focus my upgrades:

  1. Ledin helm (currently Aeneas) 3*/20
  2. Ledin accessory Holy Ark (3*/20) <-- but I am closing in on the SSR pendant thingy at level 50.
  3. Cherie Performance Mask 3*/20.
  4. Cherie Esoteric Slate 3*/20.
  5. Cherie armor (uh, just level 10), I’ll be forced to use SR spirits here).
  6. Sonya Valor Crest (3*/20).

Both the slate and crest boost damage, and anything that makes Ledin more tanky seems like a good idea. So I’m sort of leaning in those directions. Also, I am finally ready to switch Cherie over to use Rough Seas from Breeze I think.

I’d suggest you save your Epic Martial Spirits for the real cream of the cream SSR gear. You’ll know when you get one, trust me!
I am a fan of Breeze for fliers myself. It’s a convenience you really miss if you switch out of it.

Hm, strange. The only thing I can think of is lucky bloodline armor procs.

In 3 levels you’ll get a King’s Amulet, which is great for Ledin and worth maxing with spirits (dupes of the amulet are very rare.) I wouldn’t spend any more spirits on Frostrend; you will get dupes of last knight later but maybe worth a spirit to max it if it will help you pass content.

In terms of armor you want to max out the tank’s, and after just need enough for Cherie (or whoever gets targeted) to survive a macho blast.

Did she use Heavy Shield and cut down the physical damage by 50%? Last Stand also gives a 10% bump to def and mdef when below 50%