Langrisser Mobile is Awesome

I actually just rolled him, heh. I had no idea there was a free Bozel even until I started reading about him.

Nice! I was a bit disappointed when I got him in the Bozel/Alte/Bern banner (since I’d get him for free eventually) but he has been key in passing a slew of PvE contents (Anikis, timeless trials, challenge maps etc) He’s just damn strong and versatile.

I run Tiaris first, followed by Bernhardt. He moves the middle and faction buffs. Leon then runs and hits chivalry and busts thousand hooves on the enemy tank, usually taking them out, before moving back next to Bernhardt. Then I have Vargas move to the middle, and typically in range of defense for everyone. Finally, Altemueller moves down to attack the next round. So my order is Tiaris, Bernhardt, Leon, Vargas, Altemueller.

Usually I can survive the next round, have Tiaris heal everyone up, and clean out the rest.

Ive had some issues in the past with Cherie wreaking havoc with this plan, but I can usually survive that… Or facing an AOE build, and then not having Tiaris fire Miracle after I get blasted

The one problem I had with healer going first is should would usually back up to cast attack blessing first and then sometimes be out of position to heal on the following round. Even with Tiaris’ mobility. But I was also running some people (not Cherie or Sonya) in the column row. So I’ll move them to the third (I usually have them in 2 or 3) and have everyone else in columns 2 or 3. And I think I’ll run Rachel late (if I use her) for the healing bonus.

Time to get Bozel leveled. Speaking of which. . .

As I’m not running the faction, should I just proceed down the left path for now for Bozel?

Earthquake is what you want for PVE. Top priority. But you should spend two runestones on him asap, Bozel, like Alte, becomes more and more crucial as the game gets more difficult.

You’re super biased about Bozel!

-Bozel free and proud of it.

Frankly, I can’t even think of clearing the Sxx trials without him. He also makes the later Time Rift so much easier. No need to invest in him either! His skills are awesome even without dealing any damage.

Anybody managed to go anywhere with today’s new Weissman event map?
He deals insane damage. Only my Luna could resist his uber int somewhat, but she doesn’t deal nearly enough damage to be any menace to him. Is there a trick I haven’t figured at all?
After yesterday’s easy Feraqia thing, today’s is an ice shower. Don’t want to see what they have in stock for level 65 challenges!

Is the 2nd phase much different from the 1st phase? I gave it a try earlier today, but got picked off by the 2nd phase mobs due to poor positioning. Will have to give it another go later.

he gets even more health, probably more def too. My best units inflict him like 13k on their better day. A simple accounting tells me I’d need around 10 turns when I reach him to kill him. Sadly, there is 5 or 6 turns left when I get to him ;)
Edit: ah yes, I forgot that he regen 15k hp every other turn.

If anyone is having trouble with the Bladelord Leonhardt mission, it can easily be cheesed. Just run Estelle around the outside of the house, and keep everyone inside. You can then use Joshua to attack Leonhardt from the safety of the house. Takes about 13-14 turns to get the victory, but Leonhardt just stays focused on chasing Estelle around the outside of the house

Cue Yakety Sax.

Today’s new event map looks like quite a fun puzzle. Only dabbled with it this morning but it was pretty stimulating.

Wrapped the plot missions for the second trails set today. Pretty fun… now the grind begins!

Strike that. It’s an evil feast of frustration. The recent trend of having strong enemies immune to all debuffs is getting old, fast.

I find the challenge missions infuriating… I just don’t think I have the right mix of SSR characters, and it becomes an exercise in frustration.

I go online for tips and it is always like ‘I did this will Elwin, Luna and Bozel’

And I’m over here with mostly empire faction spinning my wheels

I checked on reddit (I was that desperate!) and it boils down, to me, to those missions being probably tuned for Chinese whales, making even our own whales suffer against those challenge. You need a full 6k cast to stand a small chance in those last two it seems, since tactics or even cast don’t matter, only raw numbers.
Frankly, I am probably done with the game if that’s the new content we can expect from now on.

No doubt…

They need to feed some content for the folks living in 55-60 land like me!!

I was doing the challenge today where Ferequa (sorry, spelling) turns into a dragon. I grind along for about 12 turns but eventually eliminate her, feeling pretty good… then boom, she turned into a dragon. No Elwin for me meant that I didn’t really have a chance at that point. I don’t think that one is even particularly hard, but I got frustrated and gave up

Yes Fellaqia isn’t hard, but your experience stigmates what has been happening for the last few weeks: even if you got a sound tactic, a nice team and can survive, you need unusually high attack numbers to be able to cope with a limiting factor, often the arbitrary timer.
For reference, I beat her with Vargas (who incidently got the highest attack numbers on my team, despite lousy attack skills: just a coincidence).

Just had a really nice day of pulls.

Spent the $20 for guaranteed SSR and snagged Elwin. Just at spent the last hour boosting him as much as possible. Frees up my options for the Valentine’s event

Also had SSR draws of Veil of Light, Jormundgers Eye and Tennyos Robe… Not too shabby

Nice! I haven’t gotten a drop all week from dragons :/

I had a quick go at each of the challenge maps. Definitely tougher than the last set. At least this week’s SSS trial was pretty easy.