League of Legends: Official Thread

What the… a meme written in Brazillian?! huehuehue much?

Heh, you forgot the guy who made the original thread.

I’m Cougardc in game.

Hark, it was like 4.30 in the morning… Gimme a break :)

I like to post once in each new thread for this game. I am not actively playing the game at the moment because I have no free time left since all of my time is used up by posting once in each new thread that appears for this game.

So you posted like 4 times?

We were tired of you feeding as Twisted Fate.

I am convinced now that Lee Sin is not tanky DPS. He is best played as an AD nuker. I just went 3 bloodthirsters + lantern and went 16/1. I had 375 attack damage and my ult did 1100 damage. Q in, AOE, ult, and W to a creep or ally to get out safely. It works so well!

MCGLupercal on Europe.
Had to make a new account because of the loss of the old one, got my Akali back though ^^

I’m Ashiran on EU.

Also I wanted to say how much I love playing Kassadin on mid. For some reason people never seem to realize what a huge range and burst potential he has, provided he has the mana for it. Staying at the edge of my visual range with 200 health just means you will die the moment I hit lvl 6.

I suppose it’s because Kassadin isn’t well known enough.

MrBismarck on US.

I have reached the level where I won’t actively drag down your team and mostly play through a rotation of Galio, Ali, Janna, Ryze and Teemo.

I’m trying to learn to play Jarvan, but haven’t figured out how to release his full jerk potential yet.

I’m Black Isis on US. :)

SlyFrog on US.

Skystride on US

Lord Fauntleroy on US

If anyone wants to play with a lowbie Morgana they can add me.

ravenfly on US

Just finished 10 / 0 / 9 with Ashe, been a long time since I played her and liked the fact she hasn’t changed a bit.

Where are you getting the 120 damage from? (Rumble Build Guides :: League of Legends Strategy Builds, Runes and Items)
He does 40 damage over 3 seconds at level 1. So 120 total, and thats if the opponent started and stayed in the flame the entire time. (it will do 30% more if he’s in ‘The Danger Zone’, but good luck getting that at level 1, nor is it very reliable) A good opponent can easily still get last hits on minions, and ranged attackers won’t even notice the flame.

And Irelia gets lifesteal and a stun, Jarvan has better physical damage. If someone knocks up Rumble, his facing spins, so Alistair for instance can pretty easily mess with him. Singed’s Poison does very similar damage, and doesn’t have that issue, and works while fleeing. Most other characters have instant damage, that isn’t quite so avoidable.

Don’t get me wrong, Rumble doesn’t suck, but I don’t think he’s overpowered. Especially compared to say, Alistair. Ammu, is in many ways still the better tank, with two stuns, one being an AoE stun, and an AoE that does % health damage to whack tanks and hurt squishies.

I’m pretty sure its 40 damage per second for 3 seconds, not 40 damage over 3 seconds. Plus if he’s really in someone’s face he can melee at the same time.

If there are no other junglers, should Alistar jungle? Can he start at blue without help?

Yup. Though by the nature of your question, I fully expect to be told how that’s something only a noob would do, how I suck at the game, and/or how I’m throwing the game away for my team by doing so.