League of Legends: Official Thread

There is no need to tell you that, you said it yourself!

I, for one, build revolver first on Rumble. Tons of AP and the lifesteal gives him a lot of staying power in the early game. (And, for that matter, the rest of the game too.)

Iā€™ve been doing this for a while with him and it works well. Iā€™ve been yelled at a few times in game that I donā€™t know what Iā€™m doing building that first though, go figure.

No and no. He doesnā€™t really do enough damage at the start of the game to jungle well. Thatā€™s why people ā€œroamā€ with him, that is they start in a lane and then wander off to try ganking other lanes.

Story of my life when it comes to this game.

Fuck the haters.

You know, Iā€™m with you a little here. People lane Warwick a bit nowadays because heā€™s still a champ that can bring something to the table even if he lanes.

The reasons for jungling are sort of clear, both WW and Olaf have high mana costs on their abilities but are actually very weak harassers in a lane. Warwick clears a jungle very quickly, while Olaf has a powerful slow and is a veritable pain in the ass with red buff while also being a great late-game bruiser.

But you can still kick some ass with them in lane. Olafā€™s axe throw is terrible at harassment because it just eats through mana, but itā€™s a great slow that does good damage at low levels. Thereā€™s nothing more fun than executing a runner with that axe throw. Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s the most fulfilling action in the game, actually, right up there with landing some ridiculous Ashe arrow.

So fuck these guys. If you have fun with Olaf in lane, fucking do it. Iā€™ve seen it done just fine at levels of play where people arenā€™t yet stigmatized by their peers for daring to lane a ā€œjungle champ.ā€

Actually the most reliable time to get overheat is lvl 1, every Rumble will charge their flame to gain heat above 50% and keep it there quite easily until lvl 2.

And Rumbleā€™s Ultimate is the most broken part of his kit, everything else is fine. Iā€™m fine with a champ having an amazing early game but not in combination with a game deciding ultimate.

So fuck these guys. If you have fun with Olaf in lane, fucking do it. Iā€™ve seen it done just fine at levels of play where people arenā€™t yet stigmatized by their peers for daring to lane a ā€œjungle champ.ā€

you guys blame me for laning nocturneā€¦ /sadfaceā€¦

Yes, he can start Blue no problem however he will need a leash (but then again your jungle should always get a leash, itā€™s free and helps them out a ton). He jungles at a pretty average pace though, and Iā€™d dedicate my time to ganking and more specifically counter-jungling. Like a Roaming Alistar except you have Smite so can grab easy xp, wonā€™t be as underleveled and can steal buffs far easier.

But I would advise ceding the jungle whenever possible, heā€™s far better off either as a Support in lane or as a Roamer.

Kogā€™Maw ult for a kill into fog of war is right up there.

Unless you are specifically trying to be the best player in the game, no-one really should care who you play in lane. At lower skill level lane match-ups matter far less then skill level and if you are good with the champ (and you are because Iā€™ve played with your Olaf a ton) and have fun in lane then fucking go for it.

However Olaf is one of the better junglers in the game, as he has the fastest clear time bar none and snowballs pretty hard. Just something that might be worth trying out? Iā€™m a bit biased because I jungle a ton and love it :)

Lazy WW is really, really slow in the jungle.

How is his Ult any worse than Amumuā€™s or Galioā€™s?

Much appreciated on the friendly delivery. =)

I have actually tried it, and the truth is Iā€™d need to do it a lot more in order to get fluent at it before I could use it in a real game. But since I play w/ my wife so much and she generally prefers to lane w/ me, jungling isnā€™t generally isnā€™t in the cards. I tend to go melee DPS and she almost always plays Twisted Fate. She gold cards, then I rush in and do tons of damage, often applying my own slow or stunning when her gold card stun runs out. This often translates into a dead enemy champion when we focus on them.

Anyway, hereā€™s an Olaf guide I wrote that describes my particular style that I use when laning w/ my wife.


Think he meant Bunny.

how do you stun with olaf? >.>

He used the adjective I think. As in ā€œWW is lazyā€.
Iā€™m all for pointing out how annoying Mcknight is, but you two are too entangled to speak with each other.

There are some other champs I use that can stun, like Irelia. I was talking about our general tactics there (her as TF, me as dps ā€“ usually melee) and not just specifically about Olaf.

Yeah, but I donā€™t have any idea what this means either (and am curious, as I play Warwick, including as a jungler, a fair bit).

What is Lazy Warwick, or what does ā€œWarwick is lazyā€ mean?

Two of the most annoying lanes to deal with are double stun and/or double heal.