League of Legends: Official Thread

TSM got stomped both games. Well, not stomped, but they lost the first game against clg.eu 2-0, then lost 2-0 against Azubu Blaze. Kinda sad.

I think I’ve finally, finally found a melee character I enjoy in Kha’zix. Ambush bug ftw.

It’s really strange to me that TSM moved to the east coast to play against European teams and have access to different competitive scene, then didn’t scrim against them nearly enough. I think they got their accounts to 30 and played a bit, but only Dyrus seemed to spend significant time playing on EU in solo queue, much less scrimming those teams, playing go4lol, etc. Events happened earlier than they were interested in getting up, so they dropped out of all the smaller tournaments they signed up for by default. Often, the excuse was that they could make more money streaming later in the day.

I’m assuming their move to the west coast (along with many of the other teams?) is to play on the Korean servers (with horrible ping, making it quite hard?) If not, then they’ll just all gather together with riot and play all the other NA teams, and learn very little.

Yeah, I love the design of Kha’zix. Sadly I’m even worse at assassins than I am at most champs, but I like playing that dude enough that it’s giving me motivation to work on it.

I’m not sure they’re very serious about competing with the Korean teams just yet. Chauster noted that TSM basically only scrims with Dignitas among the top tier NA teams, while never seriously asking CLG to scrim. Compare this to, say, CLG, who spent months playing against Korean teams and their sister team, and it’s no surprise that they’re the only NA team who put in a few decent performances in IPL5 despite their roster turnover.

I honestly don’t know what to think of TSM right now. Reginald seems to be the only reliable performer of late, with the rest of their roster either inconsistent or consistently outplayed. Perhaps NA just needs more time to develop because they’ve lacked the infrastructure and support that Korean teams enjoy.

Big patch today! The new items, gold adjustments and jungle rework are all live. I am terrified.

Ambient gold gain increased to 16 per 10 seconds from 13 per 10 seconds - gold gained from farming lane minions and jungle monsters have been slightly reduced to compensate.

Kill Streaks and Death Streaks now accelerate faster by roughly 50%.
Example: A player with a 4 kill streak will be worth 500 gold - compared to before which required an 8 kill streak.

Initial difficulty of all jungle camps has been increased
Camp difficulty and rewards have been re-distributed more into the large monster in each camp
Scaling difficulty and rewards of the primary jungle camps have been significantly increased
Overall rewards have been re-distributed between the 3 primary jungle camps (Wolves, Wraiths, Golems) to better match their difficulty and convenience
New jungle items have been added to the store and old jungle items have been adjusted
Leashing has been changed

Movement Speed bonus on all Boot items has been reduced by 25
Base Movement Speed on all champions has been increased by 25

The following items have been removed and items that build out of them have had their recipe changed:
Meki Pendant, Regrowth Pendant, Force of Nature, Ionic Spark, Moonflair Spellblade, Cloak and Dagger, Elixir of Agility, Leviathan, Soul Shroud, Heart of Gold, Madred’s Bloodrazor

Masteries have been reworked
All Mastery Pages have been reset

Fixed a bug that causes projectile-based skillshots to not appear when fired out of the fog of war (ex: Nidalee spear)

Not sure if anyone saw, but IWillDominate got banned from LoL for a year for being repeated abusive in matches today – kind of sucks for Team Dignitas, who will have to replace him.

Here’s the board post about it:


Good for them for not taking a soft route vs pro players. Probably good for Dignitas in the long run, too.

Agreed regarding the banning.

In other news, I still suck at the game. I appear to be the exception to the “if you keep playing and trying to improve, your ELO will rise above 900” rule. :)

But specifically, I again rediscovered that hybrid builds really do seem to suck. I tried to do a mix on Teemo with Frozen Mallet, Runaan’s Hurricane, Liandry’s Torment, Hextech Gunblade, and a Rabadon’s Deathcap. It just completely lacked punch - limp damage on the shrooms and blind and on the autoattack. I was thinking the damage based on aggregate health would be useful against Cho, but it really didn’t seem to make much of a difference.

We still won, and I wasn’t terrible, but it was a 70 minute game and I certainly wasn’t a standout star.

I really don’t like the new focus on active items for a selfish reason - all jokes aside, I think I have gotten a little better at the game, focusing objectives, etc., but I still have this big mental block where I cannot get myself to remember to use the active items. I will even buy one, set myself the goal of just remembering to use it in the next battle no matter what, but sure enough, when the teamfight comes, I’m spamming skills and autoattacks but just completely blank out on the available items. I can’t tell you how many times I could have gotten away with Shurelya’s (or helped my team run down stragglers), and only remembered after the fact that I had it.

If there’s a hybrid teemo build, it’s surely On Hit/AP, built around Malady. I think it will run into problems late game still, but on a late game build you could very easily get to 400 AP and ~2.0 attack speed. That’s 55 damage a hit from Malady, 210 + 70 from poison, and a pile of AD. There’s no real crit bursting (part of the problem) but the attack speed partly makes up for that. And then Blind and Mushrooms will also hurt like hell.

An early haunting guise can be swapped for Void Staff later. You will wreak havoc on magic resist, for sho. The question is what to use for your second AS item, and when to give it. I think there’s a good argument in favor of using Nashor’s, though Wit’s End and Hurricane would be options.

I assume if you’re going on hit, then you really want Hurricane. I’m way more terrified of a kog maw with it, though.

Try putting items on keys that aren’t 1-6, for instance my 456 are t c and x respectively because I find them far easier to reach (although I still use 1-3) and therefore remember and means I can use them in both LoL and DotA. Also it makes my brain think about it more like an ability rather then an item which I found helped when I was starting off :)

Obviously the letters you use depend and would find comfortable depend on what your LoL home position is :)

The problem with hybrid builds is that you can’t burst. There isn’t enough damage even if you unload all your spells at once and your attack damage has only few and weak crits.

Hybrid builds only work on champs that have skills that scale of both AP and AD and even there it is usally more viable to go in on or the other direction.

But I’m not talking about going on hit. I’m talking about building AP teemo while taking advantage of the fact that he’ll do a shitload of magic damage on attacks thanks to Malady/dat poison. Hurricane can certainly be used there though it’s trickier to do on a non late game build. I don’t think the build will work at high elo or anything (or necessarily at all), but it’s fun to think about. And I think it works better than an AD/MD hybrid; you’re no longer constrained by both lack of spike (shrooms and blind will do a lot of damage, though shrooms are somewhat unreliable as damage sources) and the removed difficulty of properly penetrating two separate defensive layers.

It was actually kind of strange, even with the big attack speed buffs that my build had (on Hurricane in particular), he didn’t seem to really be firing that fast. I played Teemo in the past and went with a pure AD attack speed build (Wit’s End, etc.), and I recall it felt like I could split push much faster, even though the attack speed increase from Hurricane should be higher.

Malady and teemo’s poison are on hit effects.

Kog’maw with Hurricane seems like he has the potential for hypercarry.

Kog’maw with items IS a hypercarry. Ever seen a 6 item Kog? Like the CLG.EU vs. WE 60+ minute game during IPL5? It’s best described as OH FUCK I’M DEAD.

I used to play Kog as my main ADC, before I decided that he was a bit too squishy for solo queue (as he’s great when properly protected by a team, but just blows up when you look at him funny in the early game, and most low ELO solo teams don’t do teamwork well enough to peel/protect him).

When I did get him farmed up it was absolutely awesome; I still haven’t played another character who just absolutely melts people like a fully farmed Kog.

Bumping thread for new game updates.

“Reworked” Karma has been released as full-on AP mid without any semblance of support elements. As following video shows (and can confirm with personal experience), hero is now surprisingly deadly, even early game, when focusing almost exclusively on AP.

Was extremely pessimistic about change and regret loss of hybrid support elements and additional flexibility. Loss of movement speed boost especially glaring. But appears to be full-fledged beast in mid now.

Additional “reworks” upcoming include Sejuani and Trundle..

Don’t personally care for/play latter but cautiously optimistic about former.