League of Legends: Official Thread

yea I almost tried it last night but decided against it for now… maybe this weekend.

anyone give it a go yet?

I played it last night. Kind of a lame mode

game go a lot longer?

Yeah, and it was pretty lame. I was mid and the 6th person just sat in my lane and fucked me over by taking CS. WHEEEEE

Duo top? Duo mid? Duo jungle? Triple bot?

Have yet to try, but have definitely heard creep supply is limiting factor. 6-man mode isn’t necessarily bad idea but will likely warrant its own map with considerably more available farm.

I have been seeing more people cool with playing support as of late… but I doubt there is THAT many - where someone wants to just help/set up for kills in a lane.

I imagine lanes like double bruisers with double targons (Ie: the first week of the “big changes”) style lanes might be fun. Double jungle and a good 1v2 lane might be fun too. Imagine running like…lee sin and elise, or pantheon and elise through the enemy jungle, killing the jungler then turning a lane into a 4v2. That would be super fun to just hard hard roam.

So I played this once over the weekend. I picked jungle, because no one else did. the irony was that the opposing side had no jungle at all. The game was quite lopsided as a result. (they went double top/bottom)

This is primarily why I typically stick with ARAMs or ranked play. Normal’s tend to have the oddest groups/compositions, and/or people who just don’t give a shit.

Normals have matchmaking too, and the game gets more “standard” as you raise your MMR. I just played 4 normals, we had jungles in all 4 games, and the picks were mostly meta, with a few exceptions (jungle zed, support malphite) but all things that I’ve seen in either LCS or OGN play.

yea my MMR has tanked after a horrible run about a month ago that I still haven’t recovered from :(

The team builder beta went live today and it is kinda awesome. You pick your champ, position, and role and it finds you a game.

Forget Team Builder. The future of LoL is… Ultra Rapid Fire!

The announcement:

Bear in mind this was posted yesterday (1st of April). But not only did Riot come up with a goofy mode, they implemented it! And they had a TSM vs Cloud 9 match to preview the change:

LoL can be very inside baseball for the uninitiated. My son is the LoL player in the family. I follow a match once in a while. But even I found this match hilarious. 80% cool down reduction, no mana costs, some champions ending up spamming ultimate attacks every 18 seconds. Pure madness. :)

Worth a watch if you have some interest in the game and fancy a smile.


played a match last night in this mode… amusing as hell, it’s nearly like everyone is OP… :)

My face hurts from all the furious keyboard rolling I used it to do with not one but two Sona games yesterday evening.

The C9 v TSM match was possibly the greatest thing ever.

I so wanted once see a C9 player walk into a bush with a dozen saplings and get blown up.

I saw that happen to me in a real game. It made someone’s day.

I have the codes for the two items in the Pax East swag bag. If interested, will send them to the first reply. These are very time limited, 5 days.

I would love the codes!


Forgot about my wife’s swag bag. Have another code, please PM me if you want, first one gets it!

–Claimed, all out!