Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Question for a friend – the game has hunting, gathering, and cooking. How about fishing?

After an hour of aimlessly throwing sticks at goblin things, I can report that I once saw a fish. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

It really is. I went years not really into my PS4 (I sold it last year in fact) and not caring about a lack of 3DS or other Nintendo hand held. All the sudden I’m flush with games on both systems, actually amazing looking games, and then here comes the Switch and the best reviewed Zelda game of all time (or so it seems now)! And there is a crazy amount of PC gaming yet to be had, as well. I need more hours in the day. And cash money.

I think a lot of it is we’re reaching a level of maturity on the current consoles.

All my terrible gaming “investments” are finally paying off. Zelda today, and I’ll be dusting off my PS3 for Persona 5 in another month.

Though I actually got a lot more use out of my WiiU than my PS3.

Do you mean PS4…?

Probably not, as Persona 5 is releasing on both PS3 and PS4!

I brought a PS3 (when there was a decent deal for one) in anticipation of Persona 5, so long ago. I also played some Yakuzas, but that was mostly it.

The WiiU on the other hand, was money well spent, between the marios, yoshis and mario karts. Still, the promise of a new Zelda was the big selling point when I got it.

Hey we’ve got a Wii U thread for all this talk that has nothing to do with Zelda impressions;)

Update: I caught a fish. With my bare hands!

Any idea how I drop the wall/drawbridges to climb into the goblin tree forts???

Also: f motion aiming. Turn that shit off asap :)

Not all of these forts are the same, and many require the magnet etc on objects in the environment, a lot of these forts are minor puzzles in themselves.

But to address the type you might be talking about:

Shoot the ropes holding it up. An example of this type is way behind resurrection cave on the starter plateau.

From those early tests, Wii U and docked Switch seem to pretty much be on par. So no worries if you are on team Wii U.


Thanks Kerzain. I tried the obvious thing of shooting the ropes but I kep hearing my arrows think into the wood below.

Only hours later did I come to understand that that sound is the generic alert that “hey dummy, you are out of arrows”.


Man this game is something else.

Yeah I played for an hour last night after an hour of Zero Dawn and both these games are just awesome! I turned off all the HUD elements in Zelda and I’m really enjoying using the topography and visual cues to find my way around. Only visited 2 of the starting shrines but all I can think about is when I can find time to keep playing

Game gets a LOT harder as soon as you leave the plateau, fair warning I am dying a lot. Trying to avoid hints and spoilers but I may need to research where to get better clothes and recipes…

Yeah, it’s pretty fantastic so far. Seems like it’s going to be too tough for my six year old though. He’s too used to fooling around with a maxed out Link in Wind Waker.

Also, with only one save slot, I’m going to have to figure out how to stop him from using up my good arrows when I’m not around.

seriously!!! they have only a single save slot… that just pisses me totally off (having 2 boys that would really want to play this too)
F U Nintendo with your shitty implementation of saves.

Anything positive to say?

To use another save slot, make a new user profile on the Switch and let your kid play using that.