Let's talk about masks(Surgical, N-95 and Jim Carrey movies)

Some people is the vast majority.

I think the false sense of security is a good point. It’s like straight clear roads, and cul-de-sacs. Both should be safer then the majority of roads, both have higher then predicted levels of accidents and deaths because people aren’t as vigilant when driving.

If you want to wear a silly mask while you are at home, self isolating, that’s great. But only because you are isolating yourself.

/me glances at the other COVID19 thread, full of post after post about full bars, crowded beaches, idiot elected officials, etc.

I’d actually prefer if folks wore masks while doing things like grocery shopping.

I’m ambivalent. One the one hand, fuck the NYTimes. On the other hand, they have an excellent editorial that intelligently lays out all my thoughts on the great mask controversy:

…even with the fact that CDC is now completely politicized w/o the ability to make any statements w/o clearing it with Mike Pence + Trump? Surprising.

I just posted an interview with Dr. Fauci, he is all over the media pretty much saying what is accurate, even if contradicts what Trump said 2 minutes earlier.

What country do you think is better?

I’m more inclined to think they’re all more or less equal within the developed countries - maybe not their research capabilities but their PR arms.

I think we’re in the midst of seeing massive failures by all developed countries in the west. Remember the CDC reputation is based on what it did in the past, not this crisis.

In Japan, when I went to the immigration center to renew my residence card signs like this were posted all over.

No. If you are coughing/sneezing into a mask, and it is not put properly on, you are still spreading droplets all over (while thinking you are safe). Similarly, if you are wearing a contaminated mask and not keeping your hands from it, you will transfer built-up concentrations of contaminants to your hands and transfer virus to the surfaces you touch.

Note, I’m not saying that wearing a face mask has no preventive effect, as you seem to think. The point is that incorrect usage significantly reduces any benefit gotten through wearing it and can in the worst case increase the risk of that person spreading infection, compared to someone following basic hygiene advice.

Again - this is quite literally what the medical experts are referring to when they say that the reason why they don’t recommend mask usage is because people use them incorrectly and warn against the false sense of security people get.

And I believe people are morons who would wear it to go out and do other things because they feel safe enough to do so. I would rather people where just vigilant all the times, rather then have a false sense of security that masks provide.

Modeling the Effectiveness of Respiratory Protective Devices in Reducing Influenza Outbreak

No dude, you aren’t. If it’s in front of your mouth, then it’s blocking your mouth.

I mean, Jesus Christ, watch the WHO video on how to wear a mask. It’s not ticket science. If you weren’t able to figure out how to wear a mask without watching that video, then you are an idiot. If you are too dumb to figure out how to wear a surgical mask, then you are too dumb to comply with social distancing.

This isn’t a logically sound argument. It just isn’t, no matter how often it’s repeated.

Idiots aren’t going to become geniuses without masks. They’re just going to sneeze on things and spread gems more. This idea that masks make people dumber has no scientific basis.

In contrast, there’s a ton of scientific evidence that suggests masks do in fact reduce rates of contagion.

It’s not a logical argument? That people take undue risks when they believe themselves to be safe?

It’s been proven time and time again.


Here, someone that knows more then you and I about it explaining it. “Quebec’s director of public health gives a very animated demonstration of why masks won’t protect you from COVID-19.”

It’s been posted time and again. And I get it, you want to assume that experts aren’t any better then you are. That you will do it right unlike everyone else.

But, sadly, that false sense of security will just get more people sick, because there are a bunch of people that think like you do. People make mistakes, people don’t follow instructions and people fail. Without the mask, you are much more vigilant and much more aware of the risks that are out there

That’s a leap of logic that doesn’t seem to hold true if you look at all the group gatherings still happening.

And those people won’t be helped by having masks either. Stupid people will act stupid and touch their faces and just, in general, be stupid.

All I can do is argue against having masks, because it gives people a false sense of security. It’s the cul-de-sac of medicine. It makes people less vigilant.

Isn’t that a similar line of argument against helmets in sports?

I don’t think anyone is arguing against practicing social distancing, but if some % of the population is going to ignore it anyway, having masks on is probably better than not having it on.

There is a argument about it for helmets, but the big difference is that helmets are worn by professionals.

On the other hand, I am in favor of banning High School Football. It’s a stupidly expansive sport and a waste of time. Get the kids playing Soccer, Basketball, Track and Field, Volleyball, Baseball. Most of these sports are cheaper for the schools and safer for the athletes brains.

But, if you want Helmets and Professional football, let’s treat Facemasks the same way. Leave it to the professionals on the field that know what they are doing.

Please try to get this into your brain:
Most mask usage isn’t designed to protect you.
It’s designed to protect other people FROM YOU.

Yeah dude, that shit doesn’t matter. You can post it a million times, it doesn’t make it true.

Seriously man, you think that wearing a surgical mask is hard? That you can’t do it?
Hell, watch the WHO video posted above. It isn’t hard. Anyone can do it. It’s literally “put it on your face”. The only “tricky” part (which is in fact not tricky at all) is just the idea that you need to be aware that it can have contaminants on it, so you shouldn’t touch it.

But even that part… doesn’t actually fucking matter, because the point of the mask is to keep your coughing and sneezing contained. Which simply wearing the mask will achieve.

Seriously, do you guys really not understand how masks work? You really think that they are some kind of complex, magical device that only medical experts can use? Have you never worn masks or respirators before? Did you put them on your ears because no one told you how to use them?

Yeah, that’s life man. It has nothing to do with masks.

This is nonsense. Removing the mask from the equation doesn’t make people into vigilant geniuses. Especially people who are too dumb to know how to wear a mask.

Great, people link experts but you know better, so I guess that is that.

It helps make you feel better if you don’t even follow the link. God forbid you are confronted with evidence that contradicts your beliefs.