Lightyear - Buzz Lightyear origin movie

Can we get a real world McBain movie?

I’m assuming it’s the made-up movie/tv scifi property that the Buzz toys are modelled after. But who gives a crap about the meta-explanation, this is fantastic. I own Treasure Planet, Titan AE, and Atlantis: lost Empire and my kids have liked all of them, but as far as I know these space ship space opera animated movies have flopped, undeservedly so. I’m not sure if it’s because it’s the moms that bring kids to Disney movies and they don’t like space or something, but I’m glad we’re getting something like this that can be mainstream just because it’s Pixar. And, it looks great.

edit: actually, this video is better. Nevermind that first one.

Disney: Hi folks. Here’s a big budget Buzz Lightyear movie we made.
Folks: Yay, pretty colors.
QT3: Hmm, this colour is out of space…

What??? Between this and them making fun of the fact that Alec Baldwin accidentally shot someone and is in trouble … I’m beginning to think those right wing folks are assholes.

Not to mention all of these idiots presumably already swore off Disney movies after Brie Larson had the nerve to suggest that there should be more female movie reviewers.

This makes no fucking sense

He says about a movie about the origin story of a toy that comes to life and has grand adventures.

Finally, the answer to the burning question that’s been turning everyone inside out!

That was a pretty decent explanation of what’s going on.

Tldr of the video is that this is the in-universe movie that inspired the Buzz Lightyear toys.

Definitely a more-boring premise for me, but if it’s good I’ll catch it on D+.

This has to be the blandest shit ever done by Pixar. Totally 0 interest.


So, all these people are marooned on a planet? That sounds a bit more interesting.

Technically we’re all marooned on a planet.

Not until we want to leave. Until then, its just an extended, involuntary vacation.

To be a vacation you have to be coming from somewhere else. We’re all Bane, born at the bottom of this gravity well.

A vacation is a frame of mind, not a place.

That’s what people who can’t go on vacation tell themselves.