Little Indie Games Worth Knowing About (Probably)

The store page is absolutely non descriptive. Do you know if this the successor to Mamono Sweeper I dream of, or only a minesweeeper clone with special abilities?


No, I’m not familiar with it, nor Mamono Sweeper. There’s a DemonCrawl review on YouTube and a 45 minute first look that might answer your question.

Mamono Sweeper is a minesweeper where both you and mines have levels (the mines are thematically monsters) and, as you level up, you can take mines of levels equal or inferior to you out. It is super addictive, has disappeared from the itunes store but is free and maintained on Android (I have an old Sony smartphone at hand only to enjoy it).
Sadly, that is not it, and to add insult to injury, the control scheme to uncover tiles is totally counter-intuitive and absolutely bonkers to me. Thanks for the video links!

Mamono Sweeper is awesome. Didn’t know it was on Android, thanks for the tip!

How is right-clicking to mark and left to reveal counterintuitive?

You have to check the tiles you don’t want to reveal with a mark, then click the numbered tile and it uncovers everything not marked around it. That’s as counterintuitive as it goes for me.

You can click tiles directly to reveal them. What you describe is just the express method. I use both, depending on the situation.

I saw that one and thought to myself, “Oh, man, @bobtree has really lost his touch.” Then I looked a little closer at the Steam page and realized, “Nope, he’s still ferreting out interesting stuff!”

Well played, Mr. Tree.


I didn’t realize until I clicked that link and looked at the Skybolt Wack info that Green Man Gaming had a publishing arm.

I feel like Surviving Medieval could have done better than this as their first screenshot:

You should have saved that for the frame game.

Actually, this isn’t out yet. I don’t know why developers don’t list their games as early access on the store, but they gladly announce it on a splash screen after people have bought it. Ugh.


Ah, well, I didn’t know either. I will substitute a strategy defense title from my backlog:

And now back to the usual:

Played a few hours of Spinnortality for the IGF, and I think it might appeal to the Qt3 crowd.

This is a strategy game that I think really knows what it is, and it has a simulation of the world that fits that vision nicely. It’s quite complex, but the tutorials very smoothly ramp you up on all the aspects of the game. It’ll be a lot more hours of playing before I’m sure whether it’s balanced or if it is prone to death spirals or strategic stagnation, but so far so good.

Bought and played it a while back and liked it until I got bored. But that’s not the game’s fault. My gaming ADD got in the way.

I posted this last week silly goose.