Los Angeles' "Carmageddon"

Different stokes and all that.

But, summer is hot, sticky and miserable. There are bugs everywhere, I burn my ass and hands when I get in the car, my damn AC runs all the time, electric bill goes off the charts, any sort of indoor cooking warms the house too much, I hate the beach (but love the pool, so there’s that), have a brown thumb, it’s too damn hot to sit on the deck, we cleaned snow off the deck to grill in February. I’ll give you the bike riding, I don’t think I’ll do that during the winter, but I’m not doing much now anyway, either.

Winter mean skiing, fires, soups, sweaters, cold drinks from the garage, no bugs and the gaming is great, I can cook again, apple brown betty, and just being comftorable.

I’d rate the seasons as fall, winter, spring and summer.

Oh noes! I’m driving through The Marine Layer today (as the nerd world descends on San Diego for the Comic-Con).


Definitely prefer fall to summer. During the summer I could fuel a water powered car by collecting all the sweat leaking off my balls. But during fall, man oh man is it glorious. I think some of us are just built for different seasons.

Also in NYC ACs are considered a luxury rather than a requirement. I know very few people with central air, and very many who, like me, don’t even have a window mount AC.

I’m kind of impressed by how low NYC is on the first and second list, considering just how many people are crammed in this place. We aren’t even on the third list. I am most impressed.

I would, at a minimum, get a portable AC or something for the bedroom and jury rig it however it needs to be to work with your window. Even if the budget it tight I would cancel the internet or something to make it work because NY in the summer with no AC is rough.

The only problem I really have with LA is that the air is just so damn dry (at least here in the valley). When I first moved out here from Austin, I even got an occasional nosebleed. Austin’s humidity can get ridiculous to the point it bothers me, but I do like a little bit of humidity.