Lost Ark (isometric ARPG/MMO) general discussion

Download the Korean VA. This fixes that problem right up.

So, Korean voices, English subtitles? Sounds like a win. Where can I get that voice pack?

If you’re playing on steam, it’s listed as a separate DLC here:

I’ve been thinking about this since I read it, and I think you put it very well. The reason it had its hooks in me for as long as it did was all in the combat. It does offer something unique, not only among ARPGs but also among MMOs. Maybe Final Fantasy 14 comes close with its overall pace, but I can’t think of any MMO with the equivalent of the Guardian Raids.

Argos takes that to a new level, like a guardian raid on steroids. Then Valtan does the same again (introducing an entire new game mechanic where you summon one of the sidereals to assist). I’m told each new legion raid continues to further up the ante.

They did such a good job with Argos in the animation department. That attack where he goes off screen and then comes crashing back down into a line attack? My favorite animation in the game, bar none.

I wish it were easier to PUG this stuff or I could scale it down to 3-4 players! Alas. :) Maybe someday they’ll add server transfers so I can play with y’all. It would be nice to get away from frequent 10k+ queues anyway.

What servers are people on? I am just testing the waters so didn’t care what server I was on. I think it’s Oun? Gun? Dunno. Something North America East though.

And yeah, the Korean voices are a HUGE improvement. Sounds natural now. I don’t need to understand them (though maybe I can learn some of the language–how useful is it in modern Seoul to know how to say “Kill the demons before they spread the plague!” I wonder?. I just wish they’d ditch the constant groaning or moaning that you hear in some places, like the tavern, where it sounds like an orgy is going on. Or a mass tooth-pulling. Or both.

Most here on NA East servers, I’m on Mari (NA West).

I am on NA East Aldeberan. When following these main quest, pick up the nearby side quests. The side quests almost always send you to the same area as the main quest. The only ones I find sending me hither thither are rapport quests.

NA East Regulus here.

Forums are already up in flames, I imagine. :) Next class up is Arcanist.

Yeah I do like that they cluster side quests, sometimes in silly ways, but always pretty convenient.

I am on NA East Ladon with a guild of 30+ strong active daily members.

I recently started playing this and it is mostly holding my attention. Have a level 20+ish Sharpshooter. The three gun thing takes some fast fingers but when it comes together it is great

Gameplay is great when it happens. My issue is with the MMO quest structure and the run around and kill one thing then dialogue then kill one thing.

My Question is two fold. 1) Does this mystical endgame at level 50 play like more of the same leveling process or is it more like Diablo Adventure Mode or neither? 2) How do I get some damn pants? The character Creation did not have my sharpshooter in hotpants, but all gear I find just gives me the same hotpants look.

Neither. End game consists of doing daily or weekly activities such as Chaos Dungeons (closest to ARPG gameplay, you kill hordes of bad guys and farm them for resources), Abyss dungeons (MMO dungeons, but typically just a couple bosses and you’re done), and Guardian raids (four people get together and beat up a big bad monster similar to Monster Hunter).

In addition to those activities, there’s a bunch of “horizontal progression” that can be done. Exploring and completing quests on the various islands, collecting things like giant hearts, masterpiece artwork, island souls, mokoko seeds, etc. Most of these have very nice rewards like extra skill points, skill runes, gold, or other items.

You can buy skins of course, but other than that your pants match whatever gear you have. This changes really rapidly while leveling up but once you hit endgame you’ll be in Tier 1 pants for a while, then T2, then T3. You should be able to find images of those online. Other than that, it’s various cosmetic skins if you don’t like what your tier set looks like. There are a few skins that can be found/bought in-game, other than that it’s getting them via the cash shop or buying them off of players with gold from the AH.

My Gunslinger finally got out off shorts into long pants, or at least chaps, around the high thirties.

The pacing of the game is definitely not Diablo-esque. On the plus side at least the silly fetch quests are clumped together with story quests, and it’s very easy to round them all up into one neat bundle while leveling. On the negative side, the actual combat bits (which are good) are too often interrupted by stupid cutscenes, conversations, and fetch quest stuff. I had my first and only death yesterday because while being chased by mobs I triggered a conversation that took me out of combat view, but the mobs kept hitting me and doing damage. Blech.

And man, the various currency, cards, gems, engravings, etc. systems are Byzantine in the extreme.

One more question. Is there some backstory I am missing that explains why I am a walking angel of death?

My sorceress finally had some leggings instead of short shorts / panties for a while, but she back to looking like an advert for Evony.

Yep. I still don’t really have it all straight. The key ones seem to be silver, gold, and pirate coins. Silver seems to be very abundant. I’ve got 13M of the stuff and it just keeps going up even though I pay no attention to how I spend it. Gold is very important as you need it for gear upgrades among other uses. Pirate coins seem to be necessary for buying a variety of things. Do not spend it like a drunken sailor even if you have a ton. I’m still saving up for an Astray ship.

I wouldn’t buy the astray, personally. But you do you. Silver will start to get space very quickly later, between honing and adventure tome. I’d much rather use those pirate coins to buy stuff like honing materials.

I’m out of town this week and taking a break from the game, perhaps longer term.

I understand that I can get by perfectly fine with other ships, but think of it as an aspirational purchase.