LOTRO to relaunch as free to play?

Hmm… was planing to study for an Azure certification this easter… but figured I’d play a bit of LOTRO first. Decided I’d take a stab at Imbuing my Legendary Class item.

After checking the following resources…


I think I’ll go back to Azure, seems easier.

It is indeed a chore, but so was the basic LI system when it came out with Moria. After doing one you get the hang of it.

It does have the benefit of not needing to toss out your LI’s every 5 levels or so.

But the grind.to maximize them…is unbelievable. Hundreds of nick-nacks (crystals) and what-nots (scrolls) to unlock all of the levels for legacies on one character’s LI weapon and class item. You can grind them in-game for months, or (which is certainly SSG’s point) buy them in the store. This is the high point for the game’s PTW changeover. Between this and lootbox keys (which are now ONLY available in the store) I figure it’s how they’re supporting themselves… Alot of folks are screaming about it, and SSG is silent. It has stopped my playing of high-level alts altogether.

If you DO imbue, you’ll probably want to use any item XP marbles to rank up any imbued items to be useful. They are actually worse than standard LI’s until you level them up a lot. I think you’ll have to eventually, because unimbued LI’s only go to Lvl 100.

How feasible is it to just play to max, or at least through Mordor, just for the story without grinding?

I think it can be done on Mordor landscape. @instant0 seems to be doing it without imbued LI’s. I carried some imbued items with me but not equipped, and let them level as I ran around. Their legacies do level up to a certain point before you need crystals and scrolls.

After Mordor, I don’t know how un-imbued items will hold up.

I keep trying to push through to the level cap on this damn game, but I have a real problem telling where I am and am totally lost with how to get anywhere once you get past Mirkwood or so. Every time they added a new quest pack zone, they bolted another level of maps onto the world, and I have no earthly idea where I am in relation to Lothlorien or Moria to say nothing of Bree.

The area I’m slowly questing in now (North Ithilien, apparently, though it looks exactly like about 30 other areas in the world), connects to four other maps in four different directions some of which have sub-maps and don’t seem to connect to each other in any way I can understand. The whole thing gives me a headache.

Finally made it to 120… 10 hour marathon session. Imbued a class item also, turned out I could buy some of the materials from Quartermasters, having done a bunch of instances etc in the past.

Now the next step is to complete this: https://lotro-wiki.com/index.php/Tales_of_Gorgoroth so I can pickup Allegiance bounties and generally just clear the map.

Noticed that “Daily Task” addon told me some pieces were Junk when they were useable for tasks, so guess I can no longer trust that addon - will have to check LotroInterface to see if there’s been a update or fix for it.

Would be nice to try play on my alts so I could use that ‘scroll of … level 105’, but with these unlocks/grinds, that is hardly feasible if you wish to progress on the main. They should make reputation shared, kinda like how in the fiction, a family tree matters a lost “Heir of Isildur and whatnot…”, surely that should give you some crossover from your various alts - if you decided to.

I was initially confused because the game took me to places I had never heard of in the books (Dunland, Enedwaith, etc.), but then I followed on my daughter’s framed map of Middle Earth. I think they actually did a great job of filling in bits of the map that I had always ignored, and putting them in the right places.
This helped too:

so, I reinstalled this weekend. A few quick questions:

  • I have two characters, a level 50 Hunter and a 53 guardian. The guardian has the goat mount. Given my sole intention is to just see the zones and the story, I assume the hunter is better class for me.
  • Assuming the hunter is the choice, is it worth grinding out the goat mount rep or will I just be out of Moria by then anyway?

I stayed in Moria until I was 65 or so, cause I wanted to do everything in there. I would think a Hunter is best due to the travel skills it has available, but a Guardian would probably be a better choice if you wanted to easily get groups. So it depends what you want to do most, solo play -> hunter, Being able to do group content -> Tank/Healer (Guardian).

I believe you can get Goat mounts “easy” somehow now? Might be possible to pickup a goat from the yule-event, but not sure you’ll get enough coins since it ends tomorrow I believe.

I have generally sucked at Tanking, and if I was going to get into it, I think I would wait until another legendary server opens.

I have thought about the guardian for tanking, but fear the gear grind when I hit cap.

I also need to check my reps. I might be close enough to get the mount from Thorin’s hall.

There is a bunch of ‘daily’ missions near the forge area in Moria where you can do repeated instances for reputation stuff. Forgotten what that area was called, at 51 you might be a bit low level for it though.

I wonder if my goat came with pre-order, cause I can not recall a quest-line for it. Suppose you could buy one from the Turbine store? :-)

Haven’t tried tanking on my guardian either, he’s my lowest level character (and shortest, being a dwarf), but it seemed decent enough on the Warden. Was thinking to level a Beoring due to their ability to tank, heal(?) and dps. — like Druids in wow. So the ultimate solo+group class. Just a shame I’ve invested 11+ years into my Burglar and accomplishments/progress doesn’t track across all characters – if it did, I would swap characters all the time and enjoy more of the game.

But if you do not like tanking, go with the Hunter. That and Captain are probably best solo classes.

I am about 3-400 Turbine points short of the goat, and don’t really feel like putting money into LOTRO right now. I own up to Isengard, at the least, so I have quite a bit of content ahead of me.

I did think of reading one of the guides on grinding out some turbine points.

I would give you my goat, but I haven’t played in several years.

I haven’t made much progress since my last post, but I am enjoying the game. I am debating going to one of the Legendary servers and starting there since at least groups in the low-level stuff should be a LITTLE easier to find.

Seems like stuff is happening on the development side.

Some other notable tidbits and teases from the stream include the confirmation of a Minas Morgul expansion raid, several paths from the current game world to the upcoming Vales of Anduin, and additional confirmation about the upcoming Rohan housing. In addition, the 64-bit client is wrapping up its early test server run and should be moving to the public test realm (Bullroarer) within a couple of weeks.

Oh, finally some talk about a 64-bit client. Maybe we’ll get it less than 8 years after WOW had their 64-bit engine.

Hopefully that means no more asset-loading-unloading lag when on the warsteed. Gonna have to go back to Rohan and ride around to the awesome music:

Just a shame most of the warbands will still require a group, and doubt you’ll find anyone doing “old shit”. Suppose you could solo at least some of the warbands, but others will still two-shot you. RIP quests…

Expansion sounds good also.

25% discount on select mounts in LOTRO until tomorrow, @Mark_Crump might be a chance to get that Goat you wanted!

12 year anniversary festival until May 15th or something also.

I may grab it, thanks!

No goats for sale unfortunately, atleast couldn’t see any with the discount.

Just ran into a Concert:


You can get a goat for 70 Mithril coins, not sure how you get those outside of buying them tho’.
From the anniversary horse trader in bree.

I’m like 98% certain you can get a goat from a early moria quest.

Yeah this one.