LOTRO to relaunch as free to play?

Kin with Thorin’s Hall gets you a goat for a few gold

Though I think you know that. For my 1 character that didn’t get to kin through questing, I spent a couple of hours in Sarnur… you need Ancient Dwarf damage to rack up the rep in the deeper parts of it.

Not sure about the Moria quest goat, but with this one its speed is increased if you buy the journeyman horse skill to 78%

I need to check my rep, although on my hunter the odds are low.

I may just sub for a month which gives me 500 points and access to legendary servers.

Thanks for the reminder! I need to hop back in game for a few nights and grab all the Anniversary stuff for this year.

The fireworks this year was a big letdown, previous years you get a reuseable item… this time, a cool bird, but only 4-5 uses. Have to remember to use my ‘stone coins’ or w.e. they are called before event ends, as they can only be used during anniversary event.

I am enjoying the game quite a bit. I did roll a toon on one of the legendary servers, but I am not sure I am going to stick with it. I am far enough behind the progression curve that catching up might be hard.

I am mostly playing my hunter, but will switch back and forth between the hunter and guardian. If nothing else, each play session I will take advantage of the VIP 30% boost on the 3 toons.

BIt the bullet and bought the Beoring. Might have to use my level105 boost on it, since I do not want to grind all those levels anew, even if I have a permanent 75% xp bonus, at least until 65 or 75. Shame those xp.bosting items you got in the past only lasted until that expansion, which by now is several levels later.

Suppose I could be more efficient and do current content and not -10 levels stuff to get up quickly, but then I’m missing all the quests am I not.

But with all the content, doubt I’ll have time to play the Beorning much either, Burglar still needs to complete so much.

How are you getting the bonus?

Warden is kind of the best class but you can’t play it asleep at the wheel. You really need to trigger the right gambits, but boy, can you murder enemies by the dozen and even drop elite masters solo.

I recently reached 120 and cleared the Epic story’s last chapter so far (Black Book of Mordor up in the Grey Mountains) So I went back to Western Gondor, found a Roving Threat lvl 100 and solo killed it. Granted I had to really be on point, but the power creep is kind of off the charts. Roving Threats were designed to require a 12 person raid at lvl 100 to take down but can be done solo at 120 with my Warden.

Combination of different pre-order items that give 25% xp bonus each. One item stops working at 75, other at 85 and last one at 105 I think.

Which is a good thing imo, as there is a lot of old content that nobody does anymore, but you still need it for ‘completion’. Unless you have access to people willing to help you, you either have to be one of a few classes that can solo it, multibox, pay someone to do the content, or, go without having completed stuff - sad panda.

The 64-bit client launched today. It’s a huge improvement. I can max out graphics and ride through Bree without a single stutter. Some people are reporting improvements in the 20 FPS range.

Does it understand higher-res monitors better?

Do we have to reinstall, or does the 64-bit client come with the update?

I play at 3440x1440, and everything scales fine. This includes text fonts, which I had to embiggen.

Nothing complicated here – it comes with the last update. In the launcher, the “options” button gives you a menu. The default is still 32 bit, so you have to change it there. Another happy note – all my plugins continued to work.

I need someone to run around Minas Tirith lag-free with this 64-bit client before I even look at it.

First thing I did last night.
Worked as advertised. Rode in and out, up and down, round and round for about 20 minutes. No crashes, no hiccups for the first time ever.

Amazeballs. How many years did this take?

Yeah, it’s just a bit overdue, but they did get it done!

I’m having a good time working through the storyline on Anor (Legendary Server). This game holds up so well.

It does. It has a lot of jiggery-pokery that I didn’t miss when I moved on later to GW2, but the love and respect the original devs of the game had for LOTR shines through everywhere.

Now that’s a feat of engineering.

This is such great news. Downloaded the latest update with the 64 bit client and the improvement is dramatic. I am running Lotro on an older system atm (AMD A8 and a 970 GTS) and the stuttering is gone. I’ve upped the quality to Ultra with no detrimental effect and the framerate is high and consistent. Get the occasional hitch and drop in framerate in Bree, but I don’t think I could expect any different on the older hadrware.

I played just this past weekend, and had no idea the 64 bit client release was today. What a pleasant surprise.