Mafia 3 - More RICO antics

Man, before it morphed into a superhero game, Rhapsody sounded like an awesome project. A spy game set in 80’s Berlin is something I would definitely want to check out. Such a shame! :(

Regarding the district grinding, it must be so frustrating for designers to be working towards an open system, where the player can attempt take down the bosses whenever they chose, only to have to pivot and implement a last-minute change that completely changes the feel of the game but lets it pass QA.

Having just started Mafia 3, it’s amazing to me that the projected problem with Rhapsody was the cost of the music licensing, unless what they meant is that they spent their entire licensing budget on this game.

Good article. Thats a real shame. A gritty cold war spy game would have been awesome.

Finished it (and the DLCs.) I LOVED this game, mainly for the story. I chose to leave New Orleans in the rear view mirror of my Nightcrawler. Also, watch through the credits if you want to know the true story of JFK’s assassination. ;)

This one hit all my buttons, loved the feel of the city, the music was superb and used extremely effectively, and the story was really good and presented very well. Gameplay was enjoyable for me, yeah, much was repetitive but I enjoyed it anyway.

I hated for it to end. Lincoln Clay is a character I’ll remember for a long time.

Just got this today, about to do the sit down. Love it so far.

I always hit that stupid fire hydrant when taking a right out of Burke’s place.

What does the stopwatch on the right hand side weapon slot mean? Sometimes it’s there and sometimes it’s not.

Just did the riverboat mission. Man that was cool, with the people jumping overboard being snapped up by gators. That hissing/grunting sound they make when attacking is eerie.

I haven’t played that one yet. Sounds cool.

Did you ever get an answer to the question in your previous post?

Damn you guys and your F-U-N , look what you made me do!

Yeah, found the answer. This game has a slow motion toggle when aiming I missed somehow. The stopwatch icon means the slow mo is active or something.

The crowds in this game are great and don’t slow down framerate at all. I was sneaking around an underground club of some type and got into a gunfight. The crowd that swarmed out the exit must have been 50 people, an absolute mob.

One thing I miss from the last game in the series is (if I remember this right) the grab and throw mechanic. Throwing guys through glass cases, into cash registers, into phone booths, etc. I think it was an intimidation mechanic they removed but I loved slamming guys around. Pretty much every game needs a grapple and throw option.

Got some silenced weapons now, the stealth game in this game is pretty simple but well done because of the cover mechanics.

It’s a real shame this developer is in trouble, this is a great open world with fantastic mood and flavor. I daresay it’s almost as good at GTA V, it’s right up there quality wise and the story and tone are way better. From the pop up signs when driving to the vehicle and weapons delivery, from the car handling to the shooting, everything is polished and feels right. They just did a great job.

One of my favorite things to do in this game is walk into a whites only establishment, wait until the owner tells me off and confronts me and calls me names, then knock him out. So satisfying. Another fun thing is to evade mob hit squads by having them chase me back to a safehouse/racket and let my boys tear them up while I hide back in the office or at the bar.

By the way, the enemies in the nicer district appear to be straight up clanmans, even moreso than the Dixie mafia, with hoods ans everything.

Holy crap. You went all the way up past the riverboat set piece and you only just now got a silenced gun? Damn!

Hah, the silenced pistol is the weapon I unlocked first and used 99% of the time. It is just so cool, I don’t need any other weapons. Besides hands.

It definitely sucks, but at least some of the Mafia 3 developers are in senior roles for the next Bioshock sequel. That said, I wish Hangar 13 decided to stick with historical backdrops for Mafia 4 or that cool sounding Berlin cold war game. Maybe their superhero project will work out, but it’s not as immediately appealing to me as a 70’s Utah/Nevada crime drama or a 80’s Euro-spy story.

Reading your post makes me want to replay the game again, especially with all the improvements added post-launch.

That stopwatch icon to the right of your non pistol weapon means the slow mo is topped off and ready, FYI. It constantly regenerates unlike GTA V.

They really magpied together a good game here, the story and setting are three most memorable Ive seen in years. I’ll remember this guy for a while and the priest, especially. His stories about his past should win some kind of videogame acting award, they are phenomenal and the face capture animations are awesome to see.

This game makes me think they every voice actor will eventually have a motion and face capture rig at home like a musician may have a sound board/recording room. It’s amazing how much the actors in this and Far Cry 5 look like real actors.

Yeah, they’re definitely not the incredible plastic people of 1990’s cutscenes. So much subtle facial expression comes through.

I’ve installed this three times. I get to the very very early ‘go serve the gumbo at the counter’ bit. And I do that. Then things happen. My dude won’t leave the gumbo though. So many times that I’ve ended up uninstalling the game out of frustration thrice.

I have tried every key combination/controller button to get him to move, but he never does. I shall not pass, I guess.

Wow, that’s bizarre. And up to then the game controls fine?

If I remember right you kick off that sequence by throwing a ladle of hot soup in one of the baddie’s faces to buy yourself some time and grab his gun. Did you see that prompt and do you remember doing that? The only thing I can think of is that if you don’t do that it doesn’t let you jump over the counter and finish the mission.

Yep, every time, before that everything is fine.

The baddies don’t appear in front of me to do anything. I see one red dot on the map outside, but nothing ever happens.

Weird–so they don’t even come in? What kinda weird computer do you have, anyway? ;-)

Must be some crazy graphics card or motherboard incompatibility (because I figure you’re running at least Windows 7 64-bit, right?). I assume you checked forums and such?

Maybe you could play the console version at some point… Not much consolation if you haven’t bought one of the current gen ones, though.

I have a decent PC. i7-4770k, a GTX 1080, SSD’s, I don’t get it either. (And yes, Windows 10 64-bit)

I’ve seen it reported as a bug but always fixed by a restart. That doesn’t work for me.