Mafia 3 - More RICO antics

A computer restart or a game restart? You mentioned SSDs-- I remember Elite Dangerous having a weird bug at some point that wouldn’t let the game launch correctly with the special Samsung SSD software running. I assume you’re running only essential extensions (TSR programs as they were called a million years ago).

Rare software/hardware incompatibilities suck. My sympathies.

A game restart. I’ve tried both, of course.

I’ll keep looking, well, someday. It’s just that people keep talking about how much fun they’ve had with this and it makes me sad.

The bathhouse level felt like a Hitman level for some reason. Maybe the level of detail and ambiance, Hitman always had great levels. A rated R moment in there too, for sure. This game earns its mature rating.

Man oh man, they better make another one of these. I’d hate this to be like a Pandemic swan song with Sabotuer. I may have to throw this into my rotation for another playthrough. So far not a single cheap or terrible mission, not a single mistep. I can see how people think it’s a bit grindy but I think that’s where we are with open world videogames now. It’s either heavily scripted missions or emergent narrative freedom that sometimes gets repetitive. Maybe someone will break that paradigm someday with an AI that creates the story as it goes, but until then this is the pinnacle of the genre for me. Hendrix in the main menu always makes me smile.

“There must be some kind of way out of here… Said the joker to the thief…”

Is that instrumental part that comes up first thing a Hendrix tune? The one you quoted?

Speaking of The Saboteur, I wish Pandemic had lasted long enough to at least fix the glaring bugs in the Windows version (the minimap was useless, for one thing).

This talk of music has reminded me that I should check out Mafia III sooner rather than later. In case their music licensing deals run out a few years from now and they have to patch it out.

Does telling Steam not to keep programs updated do anything to stop that from happening locally?

I was refering to the Hendricks version of All Along The Watchtower in the main menu.

I somehow missed it in my first playthrough. Caught it the second, yowsah!

So much atmosphere and sense of place in this game. I hate the idea that this didn’t meet T2’s expectations because I’d like to see more of exactly this kind of game.

Doesn’t Take 2 own Rockstar too? They should allow the GTA V team and the Mafia 3 team to comingle and work on the next Mafia.

Just about to wrap this up. What a gem. On the way to the final confrontation the sky went dark, rain started coming down and a really excellent, slow, moody cover of “Bad Moon Rising” by CCR came on. At least 1/3 the original tempo, punctuated by modern guitar riffs, and sung by an old gravvelly voiced black man. Almost like funeral music. Most memorable music in a game moment since crossing over to Mexico in RDR. I heard there are a few covers it chooses from, another is a slow burning cover of Paint it Black by a female singer. Maybe next playthrough?

I’ll miss you, New Bordeaux. I guar-an-tee.

By the way, everyone is talking about some scene of Lincoln Clay waking up to a montage of the Bobby Kennedy assassination and other stuff. Did that happen after the extended prologue? I must have missed it.

Yeah that moment was god damn fantastic. But as far as I know there is only that one specific song?

And the stuff with Kennedy happens during end credits if you are talking about that.

The other fantastic musical moment is when “Paint it Black” plays during the big double-cross scene early in the game.

They did it sparingly, but when they did it worked. I recall Sympathy for the Devil playing as I was cruising to the final meeting in my “all 3 underbosses” playthrough. Chills.

If it was coincidence it was a hell of a sweet one.

BTW, does anyone have an answer for my question above re: setting the game to not auto-update?

That’s usually not a thing. I play offline 90% of the time so I may be wrong. Only thing I can think of is to buy it on disc and then do a new install if you don’t want any updates. That’s how I play almost all games now.

That’s not an option for Steam games though. Papageno: I don’t think setting it to not auto-update always works. But I can’t think of specific examples right now.

For instance, if you own GTA IV on PC right now, I can have it download a copy on Steam, and it won’t have the old songs anymore. If I had downloaded it before the change, and then set it to not auto-update, that would work temporarily, sure. But what about next time I want to install it on a new computer or when my hard drive goes bad?

So we are back to physical media. Thanks DRM! Are they gonna do this with movies too? You have to change all the digtal versions to fit with the license expirations? Actually don’t tell any bean counters in Hollywood that, they would do exactly that to save on music licensing costs.

That’s been happening with movies and TV shows for years. One of the most infamous examples is The Breakfast Club which had multiple versions issued due to music licencing.

Man do I hate that BS. Gives one a reason to buy physical media, I suppose.

At one point I wanted to stop Dead Rising 2 OTR to not update to the GFW-free version so I could pick up a few more achievements. It would refuse to run from the Steam library link without updating. I ended up manually pausing the update, never un-pausing it, and running it from the executable in the folder. No idea if that would work for a non-GFW game.