Majority Whip Rep. Steve Scalise and others shot at GOP ballgame

He’s always been an asshole.

See this gem of his after @Nesrie posted a story about the death of a black teen. (The Black Lives Matter movement - #294 by Malathor)

If the shooter had survived he would deserve spending the rest of his life in a Supermax. With that said I don’t I feel a shred of sympathy for Scalise. When you vote to take away healthcare from millions of people then you deserve whatever karma throws your way.

And to hell with every right wing talking head that has spent years stoking hatred towards liberals with vile shit like this (taken from the Gabrielle Giffords shooting thread here at QT3) (Arizona Congresswoman Shot)

Rush Limbaugh: “I tell people don’t kill all the liberals. Leave enough so we can have two on every campus – living fossils – so we will never forget what these people stood for.”

Senator Phil Gramm: “We’re going to keep building the party until we’re hunting Democrats with dogs.”

Rep. James Hansen on Bill Clinton: Get rid of the guy. Impreach him, censure him, assassinate him."

John Derbyshire intimated in the National Review that because Chelsea Clinton had “the taint,” she should “be killed.”

Ann Coulter: “We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed, too.”

Ann Coulter: “My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times building.”

Bill O’Reilly: “All those clowns over at the liberal radio network, we could incarcerate them immediately. Will you have that done, please? Send over the FBI and just put them in chains.”

Republicans to base: it’s OK to shoot libtards.

I love Rick for taking on Trump and his supporters but I’m really tired of the false equivalency card being played here by him and others online. Only one political party has the backing of a propaganda cable news channel and thousands of radio stations to toe the party line and demonize the other party. If you’re going to dish out hate you better be fucking prepared to have it served right back at you.