Metroid Dread - 2D Metroid on Switch

I felt plenty isolated. If they had let you skip every cutscene like God intended, it would have been a very well received Metroid title, in my opinion. My only complaint was that the backtracking parts were a bit of an afterthought, could have used a bit more interconectedness to the levels. But otherwise, felt very 2D Metroid run n’ gun, despite the 3d level design.

But yeah, the story was hot trash, and it marred the title, unfortunately.

Now that I think about it… Returnal might actually be a Metroid game (in spirit).

You got a lady astronaut with an upgradable suit. Relics to find throughout the world. Blue and red doors. Giant bosses. A grapple beam. A dead race leaving you special rooms to get power ups. You start with a pea shooter and get better guns as you go…

Based on the footage, I assume BotW2 is also a Metroid

I didn’t watch the BotW2 trailer, and didn’t feel any compulsion to.

Until now.

I think that’s the key to the Metroid Prime games: They are first-person exploration games, not first-person shooters. A lot of the fun of those games is wandering around, scanning things, and looking for new areas you can access.

Metroid Prime and 2D Metroid each scratch a different itch, and I’m really glad that both series are getting sequels.

I have a DSi in a drawer that I haven’t charged in literally years. But every time I turn it on (maybe once every six months), it’s still charged and ready to go. Played a few rounds of Metroid Prime Pinball on it last night!

Hahahaha. That’s a good one.

I’m not sure what you mean by that. They confirmed at E3 that Metroid Prime 4 is still in development.

Pretty sure that’s just some snarky cynicism since the project has been delayed so long (and started over) and there’s nothing to show for it yet.

I read it as “I’ll believe it when I see it”, not “Nintendo lied to us and they’re not making Metroid Prime 4”.

FYI, there’s a Metroid Dread Special Edition release coming out, with a steel game case, five cards featuring art from all five games, and a 190-page art book for all five games. No preorders yet, it looks like.

I saw people on Twitter complaining that it already sold out, but in these chaotic days of scalping and terrible websites it remains unclear to me if it truly went on sale at any point, or if people just thought it did and were confused by misleading online experiences (“I had it in my cart but it wouldn’t let me purchase!”, etc.).

Best Buy says “Coming soon”, FWIW:

Yes, it’s true that Metroid Prime 4 is in development. I fully expect it to release on a similar development timeline to Metroid Dread.

(Yes, just having a bit of fun with regards to the MP4 delays).

I won’t bore anyone with the intervening steps, but the Metroid Dread announcement led to this:

  1. Nintendo announces Metroid Dread.
  2. I purchase a custom modded Game Boy Advance with an IPS V2 backlit screen and louder sound and a USB-C rechargeable battery.

This looks incredible! Dread’s debut trailer was quite grey so I’m relieved to see decent environmental variety in this latest video. Since the E3 reveal, I’ve been making my way through the 2D series so I’ll be ready for October.

I think now that I’m done with Megatens, it’s time for me to play those Prime games for the first time.
Prime. For the first time. Ha, ha ha.

On previous Consoles? Or did they release the Prime games for Switch already?

On my trusty Wii that I just plugged in glorious blurry composite of NTSC!

There’s a third option… on PC with Dolphin emulator, in VR! :)

You can even play through the series with mouse and keyboard controls, overhauling the UI specifically for PC, which is really cool. It does, however, make the combat a little too easy, at least for me.

I only played the first Prime briefly (on Gamecube), but it was long enough to know the series is not for me! I just like reading articles about how it’s the Citizen Kane of games. That’s as far as my interest in Metroid Prime goes.