Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020) - We're really sorry about Microsoft Flight

I really love the Carbon Savage mod. It’s totally made the Savage into a plane that just grabs you and says “Let’s go for an adventure!”

So I took it for a flight from Kelowna to Kamloops yesterday in rather patchy weather.

These are the sort of conditions where the weather engine in the sim just excels. I could actually see, and avoid (or not, if I chose to) individual areas of isolated rain. Like ahead of me here.

Even saw a freaking rainbow along the way. (A little hard to spot, I didn’t catch it for a while… valley in the center of the frame.)

Did some short field landings on a couple of private strips I downloaded.

This particular approach is amazing. Low over the river and trying to keep a gentle crosswind from blowing me into the trees.

And then headed on to Kamloops, but not before trying something really stupid. Because it’s just a game, after all.

Which reminds me I need to load that up!

Gorgeous screenshots, that sounds like a nice and fun trip, even with the tip up. Can I ask how/where you save those? I should do the same. The forum cuts the resolution down so much that a huge chunk of detail is lost.


I screenshot using Shadowplay, then go through them afterwards and use ShareX to automate uploading the ones I want to share to ImgBB, which I find more pleasant to use than Imgur. I have ShareX set up as a context menu item, so I can right click on any image in explorer and “Upload with ShareX”, and it’ll be sent to my ImgBB account with the URL put into my clipboard for ready pasting.

I’m totally going to steal this method, thank you for the explanation.

I was checking out the Zion NP scenery mod

…and thought I’d do a @kaosfere and test out landing on this butte…

…but whatever way it’s done, the textures are overlaid on the existing topography and you clip straight through into the original scenery. Oops.

The parts of Zion that are there are amazing looking, but designed to be come at from the south, I think. I was approaching from the northwest and it’s a little dodgy from that end. Lots of loading deformations.

A lot of stuttering at Zion with the scenery mod. The same fella’s Bryce Canyon is very well done, though a few small stutters at the start.

A lot of those scenery mods are Google Earth rips that don’t properly incorporate LODs to keep frame rate up, unfortunately.

Ah, I see! The Zion one is 2.6 GB unzipped, so I can sympathise.

Yep, some of these look nice but will kill your machine.

The Yosemite Valley scenery is heavy, but the guy has put a lot of work into trying to optimize it as much as possible. He has work left to do, but it’s not just a naive Google rip, it’s pretty decent. He’s also, in the latest versions, actually added teraformed terrain just under the scenery models so you can (sort of) land on it.

One of my passtimes with the Carbon Savage recently has been to just take it out over towns and land on soccer pitches and small parks and such. A particular favorite of mine is in Inverness; there’s one particular patch of grass behind a large building and beside some houses that I’ve probably done scores of passes over.

I’m putting together a little video of some STOL and aerobatic antics there in the Savage. Its STOL performance really is insane. Here’s a freeze from the the video just after a touchdown. Look at the highlighted values in the Gees panel on the top left. Yes, that’s a 16kt ground speed at touchdown. (With a 10kt headwind, but still!)

Bonkers. I just wish Gees showed landing roll. It would be all of about 5 feet. :)

So you’re saying you can just tie a string to it and run really fast to get it airborne

Pretty much, yeah. This is a take off run at a version of EGPR that’s set up for STOL contests. Each hash mark is about 2.5 meters, so with no wind and half tanks of fuel it took off in about 25 meters.

(And that’s without any of the standard distance-reducing tricks like dropping flaps on the run. It’s really hard to take off and land smoothly when you’re only watching from the side, as it is. Not that there’s much distance to chop off anyway.)

That mountain is called “A” Mountain by ASU students, because it has a 60 ft tall letter “A” on it.

I think the mountain was there first.

I thought there would be more to the story. Like it’s flat for miles around but there is that mountain. I was wondering if it was an old, covered landfill or something. Nope, it’s just a big butte and I cannot lie.

Messing around in southern Utah

Today’s update (Sim Update 2) is out, and the changelog is huge. Go grab it.

(I’m poring over the changes with my WT comrades to see just how much work we’re going to have incorporating any changes that need made. It actually doesn’t look too bad. Yet.)

Based on everything listed … it’s a lot of stuff to go through. This changelog is MASSIVE. One thing is for sure, the airliners are getting a LOT of much deserved attention.

Paging @ChiTownBluesFan, this Buds for you.

@Pedro those screenshots are amazing. Mind me asking where that was in S. Utah?

EDIT: As I was typing this I had them on screen and my GF yelled: Capitol Reef State Park! Is that correct?

INCORRECT! :D Your GF was very close though!

It’s the upper Paria River Canyon (north of route 89, there’s another part of it that leads into the Vermillion Cliffs Wilderness to the south of 89) - Paria-Hackberry Wilderness Area, Grand Staircase-Escalante NM, and the first screenshot is an offshoot of that called Cottonwood Canyon, again to the north. Old Pareah Ghost Town is at the junction of the two canyons, as I don’t think Cottonwood shows properly on the map. It is amazing, I agree.

I’m using the Savage Carbon to scout a potential bush trip; it is fantastic for just getting around these wilderness areas with ease.

Speaking of the Vermillion Cliffs, they look good in the game. :)

I was not planning to buy a VR headset but this game might push me over the edge. Anxiously awaiting reviews of the Oculus rift, if it’s supported.

No, Sun Valley is… a valley. There are plenty of mountains.