Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020) - We're really sorry about Microsoft Flight


I admit I know very little about the area. It was cool to fly over though, and thatā€™s what got me interested. I thought ā€¦ wtf, there is a mountain there. I donā€™t watch many ASU games, obviously.

I just gave it a quick preliminary go on my shiny new G2. My 1070 begged for mercy. Even at utter potato quality the framerate and tracking were awful.

Uffda. Well I know you mentioned you thought that might happen, but still. Sad to hear. Iā€™ve not fired it up just yet.

I want to know how it does at @Editerā€™s box. He got a God Rig.

Reinstalling my Oculus now (grrr) to try it out.

Did it break the rudder controls for anyone else (normal mode, all planes)?

No, Iā€™ve done about 4 normal flights today without issue in the King Air. Make sure to uninstall everything in your community folder for now.

Oh yeah, keep forgetting about that stuff! Cheers

So if youā€™re trying to do VR, make sure you bind a control to VR-Reset Camera (I think under camera controls.) Otherwise, like me, youā€™ll get completely stuck and have to hard close the program.

Default itā€™s the spacebar. Easy to hit. I just found out how to get motion smoothing running. Much better now, might even be barely acceptable ;-)

Iā€™m on my fourth try of trying to get the VR to work and having to hard close the program and suffer through the minutes-long loading screen again. About to give up.

I ran into this as well. I didnā€™t know it was even space by default. I flew three flights sitting sideways at my desk like an idiot. But man was it fun.

I have no idea to tell what resolution Iā€™m at with the G2? I didnā€™t change my setting from Ultra (non-VR) so no clue what Iā€™m at IN VR. Also, making complete sense, areas that look good in the game normally were much better than areas that did not. SEATAC and Seattle proper were beautiful.

Seeing the menu and -most- things in the planes I was in worked okay. However, spotting distinct things on some of the Garmin units was tough for me, even leaning in. Then again, Iā€™m borderline needing glasses.

Also @schurem, feel free to laugh at me now, I need to get my flying VR legs. Three flights and I needed a break. Some parts more than others gave the sweaty palms feeling though.

I suck at knowing how Windows Mixed Reality desktop works. But I tried several times before I got it working. What worked was going to the windows mixed reality desktop. Clicking the windows button on one of my controllers, then clicking apps and scrolling until I found Microsoft Flight Simulator. Launch it there, wait, wait some more, once it comes up if you donā€™t see it in VR, hit the screen showing it and ā€œlaunchā€ until the headset connects in.

Supposedly you can launch the Steam ā€œWindows Mixed Reality for Steam VRā€ and shortcut directly to it, but I am dense and could not get that to work.

I finally got it working, though there was a large black square in the corner of my vision for some reason. And the sound during flight wouldnā€™t go to my headset headphones, though it did in the menus. Flew from Gillespee to my house. It looks pretty good, I have to say. (It took me several minutes to figure out how to unlock my brakes. Iā€™ve never flown with a controller before.)

And @Skipper, I usually consider myself to have pretty strong VR legs, but I was getting a little green with the turns.

Is it supposed to be this hard to get into a Windows Mixed Reality game thatā€™s running? It seems convoluted.

Props to @Alistair posting this in the VR thread. This helps a lot!

For those using WMR headsets (G2ā€™s!). This allows you to turn on motion smoothing, which is very necessary to not puke your guts out.

Sweaty palms is a que to stop flying right fucking now. Ignore at your own peril. Donā€™t ask me how I know. A hint: migraines.

I have gotten the thing to run acceptably smooth and not looking like regurgitated dog food. Making a little pleasure flight. Man those clouds <3

ā€¦And then some weird issues with the thing losing focus (ie. going out of control) cost me my flight and put another crash on my logbook. Thanks Obama.

Got it working after a bit of faff to start with. Performance seems OK in the Italian countryside, havenā€™t had a chance to try city flying yet. Really wish my G2 worked, though, as I canā€™t really read the Garmin when fiddling with flight plans and I lose tracking if I lean in. Also getting a bit of a fish-eye effect, at least in the TBM.

I thought, ā€œhey letā€™s have fun and take something fast out.ā€ Loaded up the EXTRA 330LT and took off. I got some mild nausea banking hard out of the airport, then a loop above the cityscape below. But then I tried a few rolls and a hard bank back to the airport and the sweaty palms kicked in. Iā€™ll try things with the motion smoothing but for now it sounds like I need to slow down a bit and ease into it.

I actually drove by that mountain earlier this afternoon. I thought of taking a picture and posting it, but too late. And on the way back I forgot (my wife and I drove out that way to get a new puppy).

Oh, AND SPEAKING OF SWEATY PALMS, I signed up for more RL flight lessons!

I am expecting my G2 to arrive later today. Is there a way to have two settings profiles? Iā€™ve been running it pretty much at ultra on a monitor, but I will obvs have to dial it down in VR. Is there a convenient way of switching back and forth between the two?